
I work with a guy (his office is within 20' of mine) who just traveled to Europe and did a Viking river cruise. He came back to work for a day or two and then went home sick. Seems he developed a fever! He's now on 14-day stay at home protocol. His doctor says he doesn't have COVID-19, but has no way to test him either. Until we get a supply of reliable test kits. We're just shooting in the dark.
I work with a guy (his office is within 20' of mine) who just traveled to Europe and did a Viking river cruise. He came back to work for a day or two and then went home sick. Seems he developed a fever! He's now on 14-day stay at home protocol. His doctor says he doesn't have COVID-19, but has no way to test him either. Until we get a supply of reliable test kits. We're just shooting in the dark.
Yeah, I read it takes 9-10 days before you have breathing problems (for those who have it that bad). Only then do they test you.
I work with a guy (his office is within 20' of mine) who just traveled to Europe and did a Viking river cruise. He came back to work for a day or two and then went home sick. Seems he developed a fever! He's now on 14-day stay at home protocol. His doctor says he doesn't have COVID-19, but has no way to test him either. Until we get a supply of reliable test kits. We're just shooting in the dark.
And apparently there is a decent % that are asymptomatic or there are false negatives. I don't think the tests are that reliable or the disease is crafty.
More test kits coming they say. By end of week supposedly. By the time warmer weather of April hits we will have more test kits than patients. Anyway, this is prep for next winter where it will be worse until vaccine is developed. Pig flu was similar in 2009
I actually have now read that whole zero hedge column. Classic. Not only do these people vote, they hold people at gunpoint in pizza restaurants with no basement that are having a pedo ring run out of their basement, because, the internet...
The search for the real killers will not be blunted by any virus

Ironically enough, I went to Costco myself earlier today and this was the scene exiting the store (absent OJ)(as far as I know). People were leaving with stacks of water, paper towels and toilet paper. I know what you are thinking, but, no, today was not the normal Costco atmosphere (I go almost every weekend). Ft Bend County got a case on Weds and then Harris County got two on Thurs. And so naturally folks are getting ready for the zombie apocalypse. I did go inside and the cashier told me the line was about an hour. So I went to the Kroger.
Ironically enough, I went to Costco myself earlier today and this was the scene exiting the store (absent OJ)(as far as I know). People were leaving with stacks of water, paper towels and toilet paper. I know what you are thinking, but, no, today was not the normal Costco atmosphere (I go almost every weekend). Ft Bend County got a case on Weds and then Harris County got two on Thurs. And so naturally folks are getting ready for the zombie apocalypse. I did go inside and the cashier told me the line was about an hour. So I went to the Kroger.
The case in N Harris county is really the Woodlands. The couple checked into a Woodlands hospital. I suspect they live within 1000 ft of Montgomery County and for all practical purposes are Woodlanders socially.
While Trump is out there claiming that the coronavirus is mostly a liberal media hoax that is not much more dangerous than the flu, Alex Jones — notably not a member of the liberal media — is running segments like these:

  • "Violent Leftists In A Coronavirus Quarantine Would Collapse Society"
  • "How Globalists Justify Releasing the Coronavirus Bioweapon"
  • "Lancet Model Predicts Hundreds Of Millions Dead From Coronavirus Outbreak"
  • "Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?"
  • "Bioweapons Expert: Coronavirus Is Super Biological Weapon Never Encountered Before"
  • "MSM Tries To Suppress Evidence That HIV Delivery System Is Embedded In Coronavirus"
  • "Countdown: Top Ten Ways Coronavirus Will Be Used to Usher In Global Government"
While Trump is out there claiming that the coronavirus is mostly a liberal media hoax that is not much more dangerous than the flu, Alex Jones — notably not a member of the liberal media — is running segments like these:

  • "Violent Leftists In A Coronavirus Quarantine Would Collapse Society"
  • "How Globalists Justify Releasing the Coronavirus Bioweapon"
  • "Lancet Model Predicts Hundreds Of Millions Dead From Coronavirus Outbreak"
  • "Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?"
  • "Bioweapons Expert: Coronavirus Is Super Biological Weapon Never Encountered Before"
  • "MSM Tries To Suppress Evidence That HIV Delivery System Is Embedded In Coronavirus"
  • "Countdown: Top Ten Ways Coronavirus Will Be Used to Usher In Global Government"
Pissing in the wind. Start a thread on right wing conspiracy theories so I don’t have to look at it and you can either debate yourself or whomever on this site would like to engage you on said subject.
While Trump is out there claiming that the coronavirus is mostly a liberal media hoax that is not much more dangerous than the flu, Alex Jones — notably not a member of the liberal media — is running segments like these:

  • "Violent Leftists In A Coronavirus Quarantine Would Collapse Society"
  • "How Globalists Justify Releasing the Coronavirus Bioweapon"
  • "Lancet Model Predicts Hundreds Of Millions Dead From Coronavirus Outbreak"
  • "Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?"
  • "Bioweapons Expert: Coronavirus Is Super Biological Weapon Never Encountered Before"
  • "MSM Tries To Suppress Evidence That HIV Delivery System Is Embedded In Coronavirus"
  • "Countdown: Top Ten Ways Coronavirus Will Be Used to Usher In Global Government"
You seriously cannot help but to twist and distort the words of the POTUS...

At no point has he claimed that the virus itself is a hoax. What HAS been effectively denounced is the basic claims by the left that this is some end-of-the-world event. The REALITY is that the left HAS weaponized the virus to attack Trump, such that NO MATTER WHAT he does, they will find some manner to attack the actions of him and his office.

For MOST people, it WON'T be any more dangerous or risky than the flu. What I worry about is the over-reaction in places like here in Texas to those who simply happen to have the misfortune of having seasonal allergies (which are worse than normal).

Also of curiosity is why the left does not engage in this level of fear-mongering with the flu, which has been documented as killing FAR more people ANNUALLY!

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