Corey Nelson has a clear leader


is what the article said
Right, and I'm not sure how many hispanic gentlemen we have on the team.

Norton and Muck are fine players, but do you think they're big time enough to provide the leadership on the field?
Well actually, I believe Muck and Norton will both be gone by the time Nelson is a freshman.

And I stand by my statement, Muck and Norton are good players, but are they the big time players that guys like Sergio and Orakpo are/have been? No, I don't think so.

And who will be these senior leaders be? Sam Acho? Eddie Jones? The defense is going to be really young. Ridiculously talented, but really young nonetheless.
Actually Orakpo was extremely quite in the huddles until this season. And much like Sergio was/is fairly quite compared to guys like Bobino. It was ridiculous play, more than his speaking that made him a leader by example.
It's ridiculous to think that Texas will be facing a complete void of leadership on the defensive side of the ball in two years or that the team will be so lacking in upperclassmen that Corey Nelson wouldn't want to come here. Young players will step up and assume that role. Where were Roy Miller and Brian Orakpo in their development two years ago?
Think about how different you were between your freshman and senior years. That's why it's impossible to predict who will become a "senior leader." College years are like dog years in terms of how fast people change.

Besides, I'm pretty sure a Muschamp-led defense will not be rudderless.
There is ultimately one supreme leader of our least until he becomes the next head coach. The players serve to keep Coach Boom happy. and he's happiest when they're slobber-knockin' somebody's offensive stud into next week. Why would Nelson NOT want to be part of that?
It's not so good for us anymore...

"ESPNU 150 Watch List outside linebacker Corey Nelson told affiliate Web site, "I don't really have a top five but A&M is my top school right now."


I feel ill.

That because we can handle hearing about an occasional defection without having a melt down. aggy immediately gets all sandy in the va jay jay and locks it up.

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