Cooper's Old Time Pit Bar-B-Cue

yes, kreutz is in lockhart. and its miles behind the others listed above it. and been to blacks? been to smittys? ugh. and there's also another que place in town thats nothing special in comparsion to coopers opies rubys or the elgin joints.
I've been to two different Coopers. I've been to Southside multiple times. Kreuz beats them both.

Been to Smitty's. Haven't been to Black's, Chisolm Trail, Opie's or Ruby's.
Ruby's is just off Guadaulpe, on 29th street. Its different --they have non-que items like etoffee and chili on the menu -- which always makes me highly suspicious. But the meats, god, the meats. Best sausage, chicken and chopped beef around, and very very good brisket and pulled pork sandwiches too. They use super high quality meats. Its more expensive, but worth it. I can do better baby backs, but then again I do better baby backs than any place in Texas execpt for Artz Rib House on South Lamar. I do not judge que places by sides, but Ruby's does have the best -- spicy pintos, mac & cheese, collard greens, slaw. Add that on to a three meat combo and it puts it over the top good. Jeez I may head there now. Opies is in Spicewood. No frills -- all about the meats with four huge pits outdoors, pick it straight off the pit and take it in to get cut up. Take a swim at Krause Springs then chow down on the way out.
Yeah, I like Artz. Great ribs.

I've heard good things about Ruby's. I'll check 'em out.

I can't remember the name of the place since I was only about 13 or so, but this place in San Angelo had the best brisket ever. I believe it was across from the fort there. This was back in 1996 or so. Anyone know?
Went to Smitty's in Lockhart today for the first time. I don't know why anyone would go there for decent eats. The brisket was dry before we even got to our table, and had no taste. The "hot" sausage was a flavorless grease bomb with zero heat. The pork ribs were ok, but not good enough to make up for the rest.

I don't like to judge a place on just one visit, but I won't be going back; not when there are so many alternatives. I wish we had tried Kreuz's instead.

1.5 out of 5.
Stopped by Smitty's last week. Went in for one last shot because I was driving through. Its confirmed: its a bust. Lockhart Q = overrated and living on legend. Cooper's & Opie's Q = I just want to walk up to the pit man and hold out my hand, shake his, and say "thank you man, thank you."
I would say the same for your taste in BBQ.

It is all about opinion I guess. But going to a place once is not a fair sampling for a statement as stong as yours about Coopers seems to be. I have been there many times and have yet to experience a bad day. I have even gotten there near the end when they were about to close for the day.

It was not as superb as it usually is but still better than other places. They all will have bad days but I have yet had that day at Cooper's in Llano. Maybe you did. That is a possibility.

Maybe it was like an overhyped movie that everybody raves about and you make yourself not like it? Maybe not.

I have had Kreuz's only 3 times. Each time was good and I would go back. I don't crave it the way I do Cooper's though. Then again, the road trip and memories of past great road trips there are part of the experience of Cooper's for me.

Maybe this is part of your love for Kreuz's and others love of their place? Again, it is all just opinion and we will all like what we like. Some even like that stuff HEB sells in a plastic tub.
I made my strong comment about Coopers because he keeps making it about Lockhart. When I think Lockhart, I think Kreuz.

I got to Coopers at 11am. I got the first meats off the grill. All 7 meats we tried were either dry or boring.

I've been to Kreuz's near closing and their brisket was still juicy and great.

In my experience (which is admittedly limited so far), Coopers Junction beat Coopers Llano. I ate at each once.
I really need to try Opie's, I've heard good things about it from three different people and it's not that long of a shot from my house.
I heard Opie's was opened by a former pitman at Cooper's. That would explain its relative superiority.

I also think its unfair to judge a place on one visit alone.
I didn't read the whole thread, but...

I have to drive to Llano to plea a defendant on Friday. I plan on staying over for my first Cooper's experience.

What should I order? And, specifically, how are the ribs? I f'ing live for ribs.
Scottsins: the ribs are good, but they aren't the best I've ever had (that would be the ribs at the Country Tavern in Kilgore).

I would get: a hunk of brisket, a little bit of cabrito (if they have it -- may only be a weekend thing), a couple of ribs (they're good, and you oughta try 'em), and a SMALL "big chop" (the smaller ones have more flavor, in my mind -- plus, the big ones are freaking HUGE, and expensive). Bear in mind, I can easily drop $30 just on my meat order.

Do NOT get any of their cold sides -- save your money, and get a bowl of the FREE pinto beans, with some fresh onion cut up in them. Get a little container of their vinegary sauce, and dip pieces of your cue in that. And be a happy, happy man.
i lied to my client and told him I couldn't pick him up in Cove (from temple) and drive him to court. the lie was that I said I has to be in Willimason and Lampassas laster, so I wouldn't be coming back.

That is ********. I made that up, just so that I could stay there for Coopers.

that's some unreal ****, IMO. as usual, I way overordered, thinking I'd take some back to friends. they got stuck at work,and I'm stuck with:

1/2 slab of ribs. 1/2 lb. of brisket, 1 pork chop and 1 good hunk of prime rib. if anyone wants some, I'm in temple, trying to eat all of this tonight.
Swam in the Llano river in Kingsland yesterday with a couple of friends. Thye'd never been to Cooper's before so they let me order for the group. I'm halfway through the order and both of them are saying, "um dude, I think thats enough"...I kept ordering and we picked it clean. It was all over the top great The advice above is best, dont mess with any sides other than the free beans. Why rob your stomach of space for the meats, God, the meats. It was all perfect. Sold out of Cabrito by the time we got there though
I just wanted to hug the pit man on the way out .. thank you pit man, thank you.
Real American heeeroes, Mr. Pitman at Cooper's in Llano! Here's to you Mr. Pitman at Cooper's. You keep the meat hot, juicy and tasty. You bloat our stomachs to a point of uncomfort but we still eat your meat. Your loin, sir, is fantastic.

So here's to you Master of the meat, Prince of the pit, a good cold beer...after I hug you in the most manly of ways. (please put the tongs down first)
What time of the day do y'all go? That may be part of the problem. We went when they first opened. Probably 11AM. It's possible they just heated some meat up from the day before and that's why it was all dry.
My last trip last week was about 5 pm. But I've been there during all different times of the day. Al maybe you did get yesterday's leftovers. I don't know if they do that there or not. In any event, everyone can have an off day, even the best places. I wouldn't close the book on it just yet.
Fast Fred,
I agree Hard 8BBQ in Brady is great as well.

My in-laws live in San Angelo and on the way back, we stopped at Hard 8. I got the Brisket, and my wife got a 1/2 chicken to go.
Wehn we got home, I didn't even bother to grab the BBQ sauce they gave us. The brisket had such a kickass taste and was so tender, I ate that 1/2 lb in about 3mins. It was fantastic. My wife loved the chicken too. I made one mistake, and that was to not get a full pound so I could have seconds for dinner.
Best Brisket I've ever had in my life, easy.

In the past, we've stopped on our way up to San Angelo and have opted for the shredded brisket stuffed baked potato. It was incredible as well.

When you're headed up to Lubbock for the UT game this year, stop at Hard 8 on the way up there, and then at Coopers on the way back.

Wow, my mouth is watering.
Wow. I ate at Hard 8 once and thought I was in the midwest eating their version of "Texas BBQ". I have a broad taste when it comes to BBQ and this was hands down the worst stuff I had ever had. I was with 4 people and they all agreed. It was actually so bad, we couldn't finish it. Ribs, brisket, chicken and sausage.

The brisket didn't even look cooked on the outside, no smoke ring and tasted like bad roast beef. The outside was still light in color, no charring at all, which didn't make sense because it looked undercooked, but tasted extraordinarily overcooked. Sausage was dry, tough and tasteless. Chicken would choke you. Ribs were beyond description. Ribs have enough flavor in them alone, they're difficult to screw up, but these guys found a way.

Ugh. Everyone has a bad day, but every single meat they serve? Just awful. I hate to go on and on, but it was seriously awful.
And I'm not one of those "Coopers is overrated" or "Salt Lick sucks and is for tourists" guys either. I like all sorts of BBQ from Berts, to Coopers, to Iron Works, Kreuz's, to Sam's, etc. etc. But Hard 8 was dog poo.
Ate at the Hard 8 in Stephenville last Thursday and it definitley wasn't Coopers. Better than Bill Miller's, though.

Beans were under done, needed more spice, ribs were pretty good. The special for Thursday is a huge T-bone grilled over an open fire. Didn't feel like dropping 20 bucks, so I stuck with ribs.
ate at Cooper's Saturday 7/22

Brisket was the best I've ever had from there...may have been the best brisket I've ever had

Chicken was great

Ribs were not cooked enough, substandard....and their ribs usually are my favorite....these were unedible.
Ate at Coopers yesterday. Nice to be able to do so after having City Market just this last week. City Market was my only visit in years, while I've had Cooper's, Opies, the Lockhart places, the Elgin spots and the rest of the Central Texas places dozens of times in the last couple years, so I dont know that I want to base it on that one visit but the Luling Market que was probably the best I have had in several years. Cant wait to get back