Cool words we don't use anymore.


as in sore or upset. Why are you so cross with me?


as in do business with. my grandma would not "trade" with retailers who had upset her.

wopper jawed - askew; out of align
erstwhile - in the past
pantywaist - sissy
kith and kin - friends, neighbors and family
ditty bag - originally a pouch used by sailors to hold thread, needles, etc.
PEACE - untroubled; tranquil; content

1. Dig - like in Peter, Paul & Mary's I Dig Rock-n-Roll Music2. Spank - obviously it is multifaceted.3. Trixie - for a cheap slut, prostitute, *****, etc...
4. Britches
- I still pull this one out from time to time and always good for laughs from anyone NOT from the South.
5. NeedleDick
- hasn't been kosher since Water Boy wore it out.
6. Kosher
- why not? I just used it above.

And whatever happened to when *** meant a cigarette? Hell, the Brits don't even use it much anymore either.
"cool" is about the only word that has remained cool for the last 50+ years.

but i still say "groovy" all the time.

I only hear 'yonder' used out in the country. It's use is somewhat lost on Urbanus, but if taken the time to master, can be quite rewarding when conversing with Rusticus.

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