Cooking a Filet without a Grill: UPDATED

Clarified butter to be sure. Here's a twist-

Pan sear the Filets in the clarified butter, after libberally applying salt and pepper. In a separate bowl take some Stilton, gorganzola or blue cheese and mix it with panko bread crumbs into a loose paste. Apply the cheese- bread crumb mixture as a topping on the steaks and finish them in the broiler. Brush a little bit of butter on the bread/cheese topping to give it a golden brown presentation before popping it into the broiler. DO NOT overcook the steaks on the Sear!! Use a DIFFERENT pan to place the seared steaks into the broiler, Take some red wine and deglaze the skillet for a nice sauce to dribble around the steak when plating.

I tend to like Seared mushrooms as a side, and either green beans for fresh asparagus for the color. I think Stilton cheese works the best because it is the softer creamier blue cheese, but gorg or regular blue will work too if you let the cheese warm up before mixing it with the panko.

Best "no grill" filet I have ever had...

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