Conference Championships Still Meaningless

Oh those were some nasty blowouts, but I don't think margin of victory in blowouts really matters, like "hahah we won by 38 and you only won by 33", the problem is 4 of them vs 1 of them. That 2005 OU team was all defense, no offense, and we still could have punched it across 50 had we wanted to. But even if we had won that one 65-12 instead of 45-12, it still wouldn't matter.
Exactly, no one necessarily remembers the margins. Your point is correct that there were 4 huge losses, 2 or 3 of them were when we were supposed to be pretty good and they blew us away. When we were REALLY good, but, BTW, only ranked #2, and ou was down having lost to TCU the same week we beat tOSU, we couldn't repay them with a humiliating slap in the face. yes, there were a few humiliating plays. Bomared! comes to mind. But, that was basically it.

I was at that game in 2005 with my brother, and we were aware of the MOV record. As happy as we were to get the 5 year loss monkey off the back, we were almost disappointed for the very reasons I have outlined. Great team, they are down, and we win by 33. Hell, Mack probably knew it and just wanted to be nice lol.
I don't like having a losing record against OU. but I love the bad feeling I have. I love that drive to win and what it feels like to come from behind. Sometimes that's true in a game. Sometimes it's true in a season. Sometimes it's true of a head-to-head matchup. It fuels the competitive juices. Losing doesn't make me apathetic.

Of course, I much prefer the feelings when we're playing for a national championship. :) Heck, I love it all win or lose. Competition and the drive to succeed pumps my blood.
lack of Heismans comparatively,

The Heisman is a completely subjective award that has had a lot of bad choices the past 20 years (not even talking about just us with McCoy and VY) and is not worth getting worked up over. I mean, I support getting worked up over conference titles more than the Heisman. As far as subjective awards and all americans go, we have had a LOT and I would be surprised if the number was not similar to OU’s.

I am having a hard time coming to grips with following this program after 3 and please Lawd, not 4 consecutive losing seasons. It's not fun anymore.

El Guapo, could it be, that your real issue is we are living through the worst 4 season stretch in UT history in total losses, and you are taking it out on OU blowout margins and conference titles?

1954-57: 23 total losses
1986-89: 24 total losses
1935-38: 26 total losses
2014-17: 27 total losses

Hopefully this stretch ends soon. The good news is these stretches only seem to happen every 30 years are so... so hopefully history repeats itself and we get our act back together fairly quickly.
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