I caught the 2nd half on late night replay, here are my observations:
1) Although his personal grooming is an offense to all of mankind, Sacha Kljestan's foul could have gone cardless, but should have drawn a yellow for the simple fact that it was very close to being dangerous if the player hadn't been able to jump over him. The Brazilian player's injury was as serious as Rivaldo holding his head after a ball hit him in the stomach in the '02 World Cup.
A studs down challenge from the front that didn't go through the player, but rather stopped in front of him shouldn't draw a red... ever.
And that ref works a lot of top games. That was below him. I think that a yellow would have sent the same message, but I think he just wanted to end the game right then and allow Brazil to play keep away for the rest of the game because it was obvious that the US was no threat to get back in the game and 11 v 11 could result in a more serious challenge later. Other than that reasoning, there was absolutely no excuse for that red.
2) Demarcus Beasley sucks donkey nads.
I didn't even see him play in this game, but The only game that he didn't start in out of the last 4, was the Italy game and we didn't give up a goal within the first 7 minutes. I've read enough message board chatter to confirm that I'm right... again.
3) Hypocritical ******** is alive & well
Both Donovan & Bob Bradley were quoted in the last few days that if Adu wants to play, then he needs to get regular games at his club. However, Altidore, who hasn't played since 2008 started the last two games and D. Beasley, who absolutely embarrasses the USA everytime he takes the pitch, has barely played since last fall, has either started or come on as a sub in the last 4 games. (I'm pretty sure... I don't want to check because his play disgusts me so much.)
4) Bob Bradley's "offense" of sending the ball up to a forward to hold it while others come running is the least effective offense possible with the players at the USMNT's disposal.
Far and away the best offensive attack in the 2nd half was when Spector nutmegged a defender/winger and then moved off the ball into space so that Donovan could one-time the ball back to him. Then Spector laid the ball off to Feilhaber who crushed a ball that easily beat the best keeper in the world right now (Julio Cesar), but unfortunately hit off the underside of the crossbar and bounced back out.
SIDE NOTE: I really wanted Benny Feilhaber to score against the country of his birth that he turned his back on for the USMNT.
If we abandoned the lone point striker (which we should have when Brian McBride retired), we could play Kenny Cooper the way he wants to play, Donovan, Altidore (the way he's learning to play in Spain), Adu (the way he's been able to play since ~12 years old), and Feilhaber, Bradley, Charlie Davies... am I making myself clear?
5) DeWitt might not be THE ANSWER, but he's probably better than Bocanegra. And if Bocanegra were to battle Bornstein for the left back spot, it would be better for everybody.
Bocanegra isn't completely worthless and his head on set pieces can save/win games on occasion, so it is nice to have him in there, but Bornstein, although not anywhere close to being a "complete player" does offer quite a bit going forward.
6) Clint Dempsey makes me want to
I don't think that he should be "off the team", but I don't think he should be starting either. I think that he should be a late 2nd half sub. Period.
I think that playing a combination of Bradley, Torres, Clark (please no more retalitory fouls), Feilhaber, Adu, Edu (when healthy), Donovan, & Rogers (I'm a BIG fan, but he started the year slowly) is what the US needs to do.
4-4-2: Altidore + Adu/Cooper up top.
4-5-1: Altidore/Cooper up top
Clark and/or Edu + Bradley, Torres, Feilhaber, Donovan
When we get the German Kid, I'm thinking he slots in immediately at the DM position (or one of the DM positions).
But having Adu and/or Cooper on the field for free kicks is crucial. Those two are head and shoulders above any other Americans on the team. A distant, distant 3rd is Kljestan and his play doesn't warrant the risk. Donovan is so far behind those three that I don't even know if he's truly #4 or he's just been on the team so long that no one questions him.
Dempsey's free kick from distance in the second half was so far off the mark that it looked like he thought he was competing in a Punt, Pass, & Kick competition.
-B. Bradley's "game plans" are mind-blowing atrocious.
-B. Bradley's roster selection is competely separated from playing a cohesive group of guys who might have an opportunity to hold the ball and create an offensive threat.
-D. Beasley is horrible.
-DeWitt is pretty good.
-Dempsey needs to be benched.
-Adu needs to play.
-Cooper should be on the team.
Any questions?