Computer linking/server ?

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I have two computers with different programs and I was wanting to link them.
I'm not computer savvy at all and so i have a few stupid questions.
I was actually thinking about buying 2 new computers and a server and putting the programs from the individual computers onto the server and linking them through there.
If that is still (or ever was) how it's done what type of server would I need for that and where should i get it?

or, are servers even necessary? are clouds or other internet based memory banks what is used and you jsut link computers together??? if so, can you link computers wirelessly?

i'd appreciate some help here!
What city or cities are your people in that will be using this system? What kind of program are you running? There are all kinds of software. One way of doing it is to have a repository for the data out on a cloud or local server. Then each computer accesses the data as needed with the actual software being used to access the data being on the local computers.

Google had a small business type of sharing software that integrates with gmail. (never used it) Microsoft has sharing software so you can access the same file from different computers by checking the file out and then back in.(with history in case someone screws up)

Those are just two basic systems without knowing what you want. I'm sure there are many, many more options once you know what features you want and even maybe how access to your system might grow.

Using the internet, and the internet language of TCPIP, for your network is ideal but does have potential risk for hacking if the security/Anti-Virus is not installed and if the users are careless with passwords, etc. There are ways to close it off to an intranet system.

That was a total spit-ball answer.
it's for a small business. Basically I've got two computers that run independently with different software/programs.
I was thinking this would be the best way - to have them linked through a server but wasn't sure if that's just how it used to be done and there was something better (been a while but I had about 8 computers linked for another business years ago and we had one server).
Will one or both be internet connected?
What is the distance between the two computers?
Will the computers be single owner by use?

It might be good to analyze the google solution below and see what you don't like about it. Then maybe there would be another option given what you see you like and dislike from looking at the specific option. You may hate it but maybe it will tell you by using it a bit about what you must have and what isn't important.
The Link

side note if you want to really go google crazy:
The Link
Thanks a ton, Zork. I haven't had a chance to look at those links yet but I will and then I'll comment.
The computers would both be connected to the internet and are about 25' apart.
Are you wanting to host applications on the server and run them on the workstations from there—or just use the server for file sharing between them?

If it’s the former, you will likely need to have two licenses.