Common Sense


5,000+ Posts
Let's chat about something we should all agree on:

Federal Government Spending
Term Limits
Elected Officials with full financial disclosure
Immigration, legal vs, illegal

Now, I will rant, the government, local, state or federal should not spend more than they take in.

Being a politician should not be an occupation but a service.

Really, you are not going to tell us how much you were worth before and after?

4 million people are trying to get in this country with degrees, especially engineerring and we are going to grant amnesty to farm workers? (so I am told)

Please rip me for these common sense thoughts!!!

Not to mention that Keyenesism(sp) Economics is so flawed, yet we are still running on it.......
I forgot one item, you or the police come to my house to search it, you better have a search warrant. I don't care if Osama Bin Laden is hiding in my attic, I want to see the search warrant.
cana yes you are right BUT are you really going to ask all the people collecting all the bennies while NOT working to actually go do that work?
What incentive do they have to work hard?

OH and BTW there is a UNLIMITED
NUMBER of agri workers NOW allowed into the USA so we don't need to change any law for that.
I understand your point and I know you don't mean to imply that you don't want to give a helping hand to the truly needy.
The problem is we do not identigy the truly needy, we just hand out bennies like they are candy.
We have pau people to recruit people to take food stamps, advertise to give away free cell phones
AND as we learned we subsidize our own demise by giving our money to terrorists

The ONLY exception I would make is if you want to stop social Seciurity I want all the money I've paid in given back to me

but I do get your point
Let those that know the needy help the needy. Much like the help that has poured into Boston and West. The government does not know these people and certainly doesn't know what they need or if they even need it.

As for Social Security they can keep what I have paid in if they will just stop taking anything else. They have a long enough track record to show they can't manage money and need to get out of that business.
You make a good point in bringing up Boston. There is a 20-25 BILLION fund already that will be admimistered byt the same guy that doled out the katrina funds

so people do respond

I a, waiting to hear about the fund for the West Texas victims

but Heck NO I want all the money I've paid into SS. I won't take a dime from SS after I get all I've paid in.
Not giving those vultures a penny.
Horn, you bring up something I think about. Those people who were killed or injured in Boston, just like people and families of people killed on 9-11, will probably get lots of compensation. The people in West will not get anywhere near the help. The chances of being injured or killed by a terrorist or by an exploding fertilizer plant are probably about the same. You probably have a greater chance of getting killed by a drunk driver. And each of those can financially devastate a family. Anyway, I think we react more viscerally to a terrorist attack, although the family of someone who died in West is going to need as much help as someone killed in a terrorist attack.

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