Anyways...the good is Mueller will clean up this retarded political mess once and for all. The bad is we are divided and one mouth frothing side is wasting the people's time because they can't stand losing.
His appointment is a good thing. First, Mueller isn't an attention-seeking camera hog. He'll most likely keep his head down and his mouth shut until he completes his investigation, which will be refreshing. Second, this takes some wind out of the Democrats' sails. They'll still be freaking out every chance they get, but if (and it's a big "if") Trump is willing to shut his mouth (the source 90 percent of his problems), he can easily direct attention away from himself and to the special counsel. I don't mean that he should go on the offensive against the special counsel like the Clinton team did with Kenneth Starr. I mean that he should answer each question with, "I'm not going to comment on an ongoing investigation, and I would encourage you to direct your questions to Mr. Mueller." Finally, Mueller's work will end this issue once and for all, for better or for worse. It'll either end in Trump's impeachment or his exoneration.
1) Sharing intel w/Russia - happens all the time with countries with which we have common enemies. Pakistan/China, etc. The POTUS has prerogative to do so. Many a POTUS has done so, and many after Trump will also. I have not read anything credible about Trump revealing sources and methods with Russia.
This is true. Whether or not Trump screwed something up here depends entirely on the specifics of what he shared, which we don't know. Accordingly, any freak-outs or dismissals on this are grossly premature and ignorant.
2) Obstruction of justice - Didn't Comey under sworn testimony confirm he has never been directed/asked to stop an investigation from the Administration? If you recall, there are still ongoing Clinton FBI and Congressional investigations...yet Trump has PUBLICLY stated he thinks Hillary has been through enough. But no impeachment pitchforks for that one?
Yes, Comey did testify to this, and this is another issue on which the specifics (which we don't have) are everything. Let's remember that all we've seen is fourth-hand hearsay about what Trump allegedly said to Comey, and we don't have any context for it at all. And even if we assume that the memo is gospel, the quote I've seen isn't very damning of Trump. My understanding is that he said, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go . . . He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."
Depending on his tone, body language, etc., this sounds like he's only expressing his personal hope that the FBI
can let Flynn go. It doesn't sound like he's ordering him to stop anything or even asking him to - just that he hopes Comey ultimately does let it go. You could infer that he was just beating around the bush a little and that he actually meant something else, but based on his sworn testimony Comey obviously didn't seem to think it was any sort of request or instruction. Furthermore, beating around the bush is a bit out of character for Trump. Again, this is something the special counsel needs to figure out based on the specifics.
3) Russia interference in election - Yeah it happened...I would be shocked if it didn't because Russia, like the US, has been interferring in each others' and their proxies' elections and politics for close to 100 years. As far as Trump collusion? Where the heck is the evidence? Yawn.
This is what I really wanted the special counsel to look at. Right now there's plenty of evidence of interference but no evidence of collusion with Trump. I'm hoping Mueller finds the bad apples, and I'm hoping that Trump isn't one of them. However, if Trump isn't one of them, he sure as hell needs to stop acting guilty. The biggest reason why people ever suspected him of having Putin's balls in his mouth is that he acts like he has them in his mouth. He needs to knock that off.
And ultimately, I hope Trump sees the stupidity of his loose tongue. Like I said previously, 90 percent of his problems come from the fact that he has no self-control and maturity than a 6-year-old who just down a gallon of Kool-Aid. If he'd just act a third his age, he'd be miles ahead of where he is.