Comey and Mueller

Or, how about this one -- "if you return to your hotel room to find you have been robbed of everything except your toothbrush, dont use it"

Basically don't use your toothbrush if anyone who has an axe to grind with you has been near it. My late brother illustrated that about 20 years ago. He got dumped by a girl. He went to her place to pick up some stuff he had left there. He went to the bathroom and did something unspeakable to her toothbrush and took a photo of it being done. Then he left, waited a week for obvious reasons, and mailed her a copy of the photo. He felt guilty about it initially but then find out she was cheating on him and didn't feel so guilty anymore.
Basically don't use your toothbrush if anyone who has an ace to grind with you had been near it. My late brother illustrated that about 20 years ago. He got dumped by a girl. He went to her place to pick up some stuff he had left there. He went to the bathroom and did something unspeakable to her toothbrush and took a photo of it being done. Then he left, waited a week for obvious reasons, and mailed her a copy of the photo. He felt guilty about it initially but then find out she was cheating on him and didn't feel so guilty anymore.

Yikes. That is really bad, but was it worse than Najeh Davenport?
I think it's worse for this reason. If someone craps in your hamper, you'll know it right away and can get rid of it and the clothes in it. This girl brushed her teeth with that disgusting toothbrush for a full week before presumably throwing it away.

Reminds me of a joke my dad used to tell me which, if I repeat here I would get banned in Seattle, that ended with the phrase, "It is. Want to buy a toothbrush?"
Basically don't use your toothbrush if anyone who has an axe to grind with you has been near it. My late brother illustrated that about 20 years ago. He got dumped by a girl. He went to her place to pick up some stuff he had left there. He went to the bathroom and did something unspeakable to her toothbrush and took a photo of it being done. Then he left, waited a week for obvious reasons, and mailed her a copy of the photo. He felt guilty about it initially but then find out she was cheating on him and didn't feel so guilty anymore.
From my history I was never tough on pledges but those guys that were surely didn't remember their pledge years or they'd have had better toothbrush security.
There is a pretty funny reveal in Comey's book --

Instead of getting search warrants for Clinton lawyers' laptops that had held her classified emails before deletion, the DOJ "negotiated" access over a period of weeks out of concern for "attorney-client privilege."

Comey got Loomered, which apparently is a new word as of today

They dumped her out - lol

I still think Rob Morrow's confrontation with Chelsea Clinton was funnier, even if Morrow is a perverted goofball.

Also, Comey's not going to get prosecuted and isn't going to jail.
So something else that came out in the IG's report is that McCabe was told by DOJ to end the Clinton Foundation investigation in August 2016, 3 months before the election. This was a separate investigation from the one involving her emails.

"McCabe told the OIG that on August 12, 2016, he received a telephone call from PADAG [Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General] regarding the FBI’s handling of the CF Investigation (the “PADAG call”).

"McCabe said that PADAG expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF [Clinton Foundation] Investigation during the presidential campaign.

"According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking 'are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?'

"McCabe told us that the conversation was 'very dramatic' and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high level Department official in his entire FBI career."

Who was the PADAG at that time?
None other than Sally Yates. Although the IG report did not specifically name her as the person who made the call
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Here is some more from same article

"..... Why is a top official from the Obama Justice Department apparently pressuring then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to shut down the Bureau's investigation of the Clinton Foundation?

Commenting on the matter, J. Christian Adams, an attorney who formerly served (2005-2008) in the DOJ's Civil Rights Division, said, "This is a top-level DOJ official who called the FBI and said shut down the Hillary [Clinton] Foundation investigation."

"What kind of Justice Department do we have, that a couple weeks before the election, that presidential political appointees are calling the No. 2 guy at the FBI, essentially saying, give Hillary a pass?" said Adams. "That's in the OIG report! That's the real bombshell!"

Adams was one of the regular worker bees who quit DOJ over Obama's order not to prosecute the Black Panther Party for their criminal acts in one of Obama's elections.
So now it looks like Comey may have set the meeting with Trump in order to "provide a hook" to the media.

Newly released memos written by former FBI director James Comey indicate that an early 2017 briefing for then-President-elect Donald Trump about the contents of an infamous dossier was held so it could be leaked to media outlets eager to report on the dossier’s allegations. In multiple memos, Comey specifically mentioned that CNN had the dossier and wanted a “news hook” that would enable the network to report on its most salacious allegations even though they had not been verified.

“I said the Russians allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow from about 2013,” Comey wrote of his conversation with Trump in a classified memo that was released in redacted form late Thursday. “I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands.”

No media organizations had reported the allegations at the time Comey briefed Trump.

“I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook,” Comey added in his memo about the briefing with Trump on January 6, 2017.

In another classified memo written on January 28, 2017, Comey wrote that in a separate meeting Trump mentioned the allegation about the alleged tape of prostitutes at a hotel and called it “fake news.”

“I explained again why I had thought it important that he know about it,” Comey wrote. “I also explained that one of the reasons we told him was that the media, CNN in particular, was telling us they were about to run with it.”

Of the many thousands of articles promoting a still-unproven theory of treasonous collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia, few were as significant as CNN’s January 10 story “Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him.” Extremely well-placed sources told CNN that the Obama administration’s top intelligence appointees had briefed Obama, Biden, and Trump all about a dossier they took incredibly seriously and considered credible. And it sounded really bad, as the headline indicated.

“Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump,” CNN declared. BuzzFeed published the actual dossier within minutes of CNN’s story going live, showing the world that the dossier was riddled with salacious gossip that lacked even a possibility of corroboration."

With Comey claiming that Clapper wanted him to brief POTUS, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence final report on Russia has something of interest. The report, which was downplayed and panned by CNN, included a finding of interest related to discussions of the dossier with the media:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.”

So Comey, at Clapper’s expressed behest, told Trump that CNN was “looking for a news hook” to publish dossier allegations. He said this in the briefing of Trump that almost immediately leaked to CNN, which provided them the very news hook they sought and needed.

This briefing, and the leaking of it, legitimized the dossier, which touched off the Russia hysteria. That hysteria led to a full-fledged media freakout. During the freakout, Comey deliberately refused to say in public what he acknowledged repeatedly in private — that the President of the United States was not under investigation. He even noted in his memos that he told the president at least three times that he was not under investigation. Comey’s refusal to admit publicly what he kept telling people privately led to his firing.
With Comey claiming that Clapper wanted him to brief POTUS, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence final report on Russia has something of interest. The report, which was downplayed and panned by CNN, included a finding of interest related to discussions of the dossier with the media:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.”

So Comey, at Clapper’s expressed behest, told Trump that CNN was “looking for a news hook” to publish dossier allegations. He said this in the briefing of Trump that almost immediately leaked to CNN, which provided them the very news hook they sought and needed.

This briefing, and the leaking of it, legitimized the dossier, which touched off the Russia hysteria. That hysteria led to a full-fledged media freakout. During the freakout, Comey deliberately refused to say in public what he acknowledged repeatedly in private — that the President of the United States was not under investigation. He even noted in his memos that he told the president at least three times that he was not under investigation. Comey’s refusal to admit publicly what he kept telling people privately led to his firing."

Did it take anyone else a moment to decipher what this "Senior Columnist" from Townhall tweeted?

Note to self, the message is more effective when calling someone a doofus if you type the message using coherent language. Otherwise, you leave yourself open pretty wide for constructive feedback.
Note to self, the message is more effective when calling someone a doofus if you type the message using coherent language. Otherwise, you leave yourself open pretty wide for constructive feedback.

Note to self: when you nitpick a pretty clear message on Twitter and knock the guy personally for what he posted while ignoring the actual content, you also leave yourself open pretty wide for "constructive feedback."

Of all the grammatical and linguistic issues I've sense on Twitter, describing someone as "looming" is pretty deep in the middle of the bell curve of coherency. But maybe I understood what he meant better because I'm just not very bright and so I speak his language...

Kinda weird though that of all the stuff posted on this thread, that's what you decided to talk about.
What idiot made this guy head of the FBI?

"My heart was racing. I was feeling slightly dizzy. But when I heard Bob Mueller’s tender words, I felt like crying"
- James Comey. A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership
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If you've got a blue check mark you should be held to a higher standard. Even Trump and Nugent.

That said, it's interesting for me to track the popularity of Comey (R). The right loved him and the left hated him. Then the left loved him and the right hated him. Now he's regressed to the mean and everyone hates him. :)
Now he's regressed to the mean and everyone hates him. :)

Kinda feel like we've found the right mix on that now. I'm even starting to hear journalists now chime in that Comey's really not coming across well at all outside of the hard-core progressive circles. More and more, I would agree that Comey's issue is not that he's a partisan lefty or righty - it's that he's a partisan Comey-ist, and believes he is the only guy who can fix everything. So he inserts himself into everything, he sees people all around him trying to hold him back from doing The Right Thing. He just seems all over the place, and the only constant is that he always seems to be focused on how HE was feeling in the moment, and what HE was trying to accomplish.
Kind of like the radio guys here who part of the OU fanbase thinks they hate OU and part of the OSU fan base thinks they hate OSU as well. They're probably going right down the middle.

I still maintain that if Bill C. had not have had the visible meeting with Lynch most of Comey's involvement in the email and Weiner/Huma investigations would have not happened and many of us wouldn't have even known his name after the election. I think Bill cost Hillary the election. Kind of sadly ironic. She caught hell for standing by her man and then he pulls her down with him with that poorly thought out move.
If DC United States Attorney Jessie Liu decides to prosecute McCabe (and others referred to her by OIG), there is a good chance she would move to the top of the list to be the next Attorney General of the United States. She clerked for a Dem-judge on the 5th Circuit, back in the day, but also served on the Trump Transition Team and was nominated to head this (liberal) office by Trump.
So ...... the latest is that Obama's CIA Chief and infamous Trump-hater John Brennan made a secret visit to Moscow in March 2016. This was just weeks before Christopher Steele produced his first anti-Trump memo. Steele was an indirect employee of Hillary Clinton via Fusion GPS

What it looks like is that Brennan flew to Russia to personally take possession of the dossier directly from the FSB, then flew to London to hand it to Steele so Steele could put his name on it and distribute it. And distribute it he did.

This slice of real life is a much better plot for a season of Homeland than the retarded plot it has this season.
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So ...... the latest is that Obama's CIA Chief and infamous Trump-hater John Brennan made a secret visit to Moscow in March 2016. This was just weeks before Christopher Steele produced his first anti-Trump memo. Steele was an indirect employee of Hillary Clinton via Fusion GPS

What it looks like is that Brennan flew to Russia to personally take possession of the dossier directly from the FSB, then flew to London to hand it to Steele so Steele could put his name on it and distribute it. And distribute it he did.

This slice of real life is a much better plot for a season of Homeland than the retarded plot it has this season.

The more they did the more it looks like team Clinton colluded with the Russians, not Trump. LOL!
The more they did the more it looks like team Clinton colluded with the Russians, not Trump. LOL!

One thing the memos make clear is that Trump did not come close to obstructing justice. In fact, he encouraged Comey to get to the truth. This is now out in the open. Which is the complete opposite from what the MSM has been claiming for over a year now.

What this does, IMO, is validate the Wikileaks model of journalism. When our own media lies to us us over and over, those of us who want to know the truth have no choice but to turn to leakers and hackers.
Note to self: when you nitpick a pretty clear message on Twitter and knock the guy personally for what he posted while ignoring the actual content, you also leave yourself open pretty wide for "constructive feedback."

Of all the grammatical and linguistic issues I've sense on Twitter, describing someone as "looming" is pretty deep in the middle of the bell curve of coherency. But maybe I understood what he meant better because I'm just not very bright and so I speak his language...

Kinda weird though that of all the stuff posted on this thread, that's what you decided to talk about.

To each their own. Calling someone a "doofus" after starting a message "I not think I could think" seems pretty dumb. If you agree though I get that you overlook it. Something like this came to mind when I read it.

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Steele was an indirect employee of Hillary Clinton via Fusion GPS

WTF is an "indirect employee"? That's either a made up term or a gross misuses of indirect labor which has no application to Steele's relationship with the HRC campaign. I know why the poster used the term (read: agenda) but words should matter to a lawyer.

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