Comanche Moon

Watched the second episode tonight and it just pissed me off. This whole thing sucks way worse than I expected it to. It sucks for all kinds of reasons. I have zero attachment to the characters. Hell Juan Zavier was in all of about two scenes in LD and yet you still felt heart sick when the reporter from San Antonio tells the story about how he burned the place down around him. I can hear him now talking to Gus, "I loved her. I would have married her." Honestly, I think they needed to get Texans to play the roles. I don't know but it sucks and it pisses me off that it sucks worse than I thought it would. That being said I'll still watch the third episode.
Larry McMurtry, in my layman's opinion, has written some wonderful books. The Last Picture Show, Terms of Endearment, In a Shallow Grave are all great His crowning achievement was Lonesome Dove. Then it was made into an awesome miniseries.

McMurtry wrote utter **** after that, and the screen adaptations have merely reflected the decline.

I bet he has lots of nice stuff, though, after all of those bestsellers following Lonesome Dove.
Turd, I agree with what you're saying.

Battleship I don't think Turd is saying all Native Americans were the same as the Comanches. I couldn't agree more with you England, France, Germany point, though.

It bothers me to no end how people say Native Americas like they were one big group who all thought and acted alike. Nothing could be further from the truth. A Caddo and a Comache are like comparing Nazis to the Swiss.

The Comanches were in fact a brutal, bloodthirsty people and I would have had no problem with talking them out. The Cherokees as someone on here mention were totally different and I think should have been treated as such. I guess my point is the Comanche were a bad bunch and to paint them as noble savages is a joke.
Hey, I actually understood one comanche word without the subtitles! On the second night, I heard "Nermeneh."

As mentioned above, it's simplistic to say "the Indians were this way."
Even the Comanche were changed significantly by the arrival of the Europeans. Before, they were, frankly, miserable nomadic grub-eaters, Shoshone cousins. (The sign language for the Comanche/Nermeneh is drawing your finger across your chest while wiggling it, for "Snake." "Comanche" is a Spanish adaptation of the Uto-Aztecan "Komantsia"=="those who are always against us.") But when they got the horse, thanks to us white boys, everything changed.

There is one school of thought that the arrival of the Western horse to America benefitted the most backward native American societies the most, which then began to dominate. THe already "civilized" nations just used the horse as another domestic animal,but the "savage" ones used it for a weapon of mass destruction, as it were.
This is on a historical marker outside my hometown in Terry County up on the South Plains:

Army and civilian effort in 1877 to halt raiding of Chief "Old Black Horses" Comanches. In group were 60 Negro troops of Co. A, 10th U.S. Cavalry, and 22 buffalo hunters known as "The Forlorn Hope". Troops departed Fort Concho in early July, led by Capt. Nicholas Nolan. Eluded by Indians and finding water holes dry, on July 7 men were thirst-crazed. By drinking horse blood and urine, soldiers lived 86 parched hours; finally reached old supply base. Hunters left group; found water alone. All but 4 soldiers survived this heroic test of endurance.
I thought the series focussed too much on what the womenfolk were doing. Its been awhile since I read the book but dont recall it being written in that manner. I believe the opening chapter had a naked fat chick rising out of a pond with a snapping turtle which they later ate. Too bad they had to trim stuff like that out. The whole thing was kind of PC white-washed for network TV. Might have been better as a cable production.

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