This board is a good place to vent frustration, I guess (i.e., picking someone to blame). I think our season is going about the way we should have expected. We lost our best player to graduation. Arriaran, our best shooter, went down to injury for the year. We lost Mergerson (for whatever reason), one of our main hopes for an inside presence. We have great athletes, but no true stars or true pure shooters. We had and have a great coaching staff. I don't buy the cliches about not having heart or character. Of course the players are trying, maybe too hard. But you can't do what you physically can't do. It's 80% in the recruiting and in staying healthy. And recruiting includes a lot of luck and guesswork. I think we may spring another upset or two before the season ends, and that will be fun.
Chris Plonsky kicked Mergerson off the team. I bet we could have used her this year.

I am excited about Ashley Gale because then we won't ever have to play Aubrey again. She does not play with any passion whatsoever. I think it was because of her injury she had before coming here.
It is hard for me to watch somebody that tall and with that much potential play like that when there are hundreds of girls that would have loved to be in her spot.
You are right, Rexy. I caught myself right after I made the post and made that correction. Let me put it this way...they are 10-2 in the conference and ranked 9th in the nation and we are 4-7 and will be sitting at home come NCAA tournament time.

I was at the CU game and the problem WAS NOT players not knowing a system. It was a simple matter of not being able to hit an open shot, not getting rebounds and making bad passes. Players were not confused about where they should have been on the floor, they simply didn't demonstrate the ability to perform in the fundamental areas of the game.
Good God, what a lot of drivel this thread contains.....any more BS and I would swear we were in Washington, D.C.

Sometimes you have to look past the end of your respective noses....

I guess the Final Four Appearance in 2003 was a figment of our imagination, according to some with blinders on. They only want to bring up their old rhetoric again and again, like Cows chewing their cud....perfect regurgitation, how clever of them.

In addition to the previously identified problems, it didn't help matters that there were multiple whistles blown on calls by the officials who were far out of position when the official closest to the play (and who had the view) had opted for a no-call.

And let us not forget the 'wonderful' calls such as the one on E-dub in the second half where she was all but tackled on the baseline after coming up with a loose ball...

While there were certainly troubles in many areas that should have been avoided, this is a game where even just a few minutes of solid play at the end of the game should have gotten them the W after they clawed back to the 39-38 lead.

I also have to wonder about the wisdom of them waiting until later in the day on Friday to fly up. I don't care what condition someone is in, the reality is that the roughly 24 hour period to acclimate did not seem to have been sufficient- there was more than one occasion even early in the game where it seemed like they were affected by the altitude. (And yes, since I was there, I was able to see the impact much more clearly than might have appeared on videostreaming of the game)

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