Coach Pierce leaves a legacy that will not soon be forgotten.

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Chop, May 3, 2023.

  1. horn_fan_cpa

    horn_fan_cpa 100+ Posts

    I think if Pierce were being retained, there would have already been an announcement or indication to that end.
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  2. WJHorn

    WJHorn 100+ Posts

    The same applies for our players, so you can’t make any inferences at this point about DP being a great coach, either. In fact, our players have good reason to “wait and see”, whether they like DP or not. Now, if we get to the end of the cycle and most of our guys have stayed and we’ve also made some great additions, then I’m sort of with you. I say sort of because that should be the expectation at UT, across all sports.
  3. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Who is to say that the players have not "tested the waters" through wannabe agents and found the interest level less than they anticipated or at least not interest from programs they would prefer?

    Regardless of who is coach or the success of the program, do you really want to leave Texas to transfer to Murray State? If you are MLB potential, it will show wherever you are, but to eventually get that degree from somewhere that helps after baseball.
  4. WJHorn

    WJHorn 100+ Posts

    I can appreciate your position, and I think you’re right about the likelihood of regression, at least in the short term, if we make a change. However, if that happens, it may be necessary to get where we need to be. We certainly regressed in the Sarks first year, but I doubt if anyone would argue that we aren’t on a better trajectory now and that it wasn’t worth it. It doesn’t always work that way, of course, but the highest achievements are seldom achieved without taking some risk.
  5. Son of a Son

    Son of a Son 1,000+ Posts

    This is so true, and what scares me the most!
  6. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    I don't agree , but understand your position. I think I was the only one here on Hornfans who didn't want to fire Mack Brown (probably not quite accurate but it sure felt that way). I was afraid we'd spend years wandering in the wilderness, which is kind of what ended up happening. In hindsight, it was probably time for him to go and I might have felt differently at the time if we had been about to join the SEC.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
  7. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts


    We wouldn't have wandered years in the wilderness if Billy Powers had done what he agreed to do rather than trying to create a legacy for himself. I told him then that his actions had set our program back twenty years. Bitter? Hell yes! I only have so many years to enjoy Longhorn football, and that son-of-a-***** wasted nearly a decade of them.

    I am very happy with Chris and his hiring Sark, but I will always question what could have been.
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  8. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

    I didn't want to see Mack get fired either, i thought he would eventually turn it around but he got complacent. He still hasn't figured it out at North Carolina, he's not the coach he once was.
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  9. cnb

    cnb 5,000+ Posts

  10. 1sahorn

    1sahorn 1,000+ Posts

    That would make me happy on a number of levels:
    1. I think Schloss is one of the very best coaches in college baseball,
    2. We would be much better prepared for the secsecsec (IMHO), &
    3. It would make aggy's collective head explode.
    My only concern; the # of Horns (myself included) who would be at risk of dying of schadenfreude.
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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  11. WJHorn

    WJHorn 100+ Posts

    Anyone thinking this is a possibility, just stop. Aggy is probably circulating rumors just so they can claim a “win” over Texas when Schlossnagle announces he’s not going anywhere. Either that, or his agent is planting rumors to maximize his contract extension.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. cnb

    cnb 5,000+ Posts

    Sorry ..but's real.
  13. ViperHorn

    ViperHorn 10,000+ Posts

    I tend to agree due to the history between CdC and Schlossaggy. If aggy loses Schlossaggy to Texas, it will not be just a head explosion - it will be a nuclear head explosion.
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  14. FWHORN

    FWHORN 10,000+ Posts

    If aggy wins an NC there is zero chance Schlossnagle moves, even if they somehow lose the next two, which I don't see happening, he has built a program in three years to be a power for the next several years why jump ship to just start again where he was three years ago. He got his big payday to cover his divorce payoff and can now be a lifetime legend in B/CS while still revered here in FW. Even a stupid money type offer doesn't seem at all likely to get him to move. This seems like a ploy by his agent to get him more money at aggy, money he is going to get anyway once they win today or tomorrow.

    Now that said Trev Alberts or CDC, I know which AD I would have more faith in.
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  15. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Should have started and ended with this. At his age, why settle for less?
  16. 1sahorn

    1sahorn 1,000+ Posts

    You may very well be right. But if Schlos stays with aggy, he stays with the cult faction that taunts opponents over child murder. He may say to the press that "this does not rep who aggy is", but he knows in his heart that this is EXACTLY who aggy is & always will be.
    Truth is, I doubt Schlos comes to Austin, but I love seeing aggy sweat. Aggy sweat is almost as sweet as aggy tears.
  17. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    That rumor could very well have been planted by Trev, so he can go hire the Astros hitting coach as the new HC. Trev is smart like that.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. cnb

    cnb 5,000+ Posts


    Stewart is a big aggie insider.

    LHABSOB 1,000+ Posts

    Good friend is an aggie BMD. Says the Schloss offer is real and well over $3M/yr. Said to expect a decision by end of this week. Not a done deal but Ags are not expecting him to stay. If he does stay apparently Vitello is our next option and he will come. He was also at TCU with CDC.

    Also claims that Pierce has already been notified.

    I know this news is coming from an Ag but he's in the know and wouldn't blow smoke.
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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  20. das3603

    das3603 250+ Posts

    Wow. This is exciting news. I would be thrilled with either one. I really hope it’s true. If the $3 million number is accurate then the market for new coaches is about to change. I didn’t think any college baseball coach made that kind of money.
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  21. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    There's some bad buzz circling around that Coach Pierce is going to dump us, and either retire or coach someplace where he's more appreciated. I'm sure CDC is filling up the dump trucks with $$$$ in a last ditch attempt to convince Coach Pierce to stick around.

    Perhaps out of sympathy to the department and to let the University save face, Pierce might even go along with making it look like he was fired. What a selfless move.

    Let's hope the big $$$$ is enough to keep Pierce around. It will be a crying shame if he jilts us, then goes and turns Marquette into a perpetual baseball power, or something...
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  22. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

    If he goes to Marquette I hope he grows his hair out.
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  23. guy4321

    guy4321 2,500+ Posts

    I would think aggy would match that $3M per year then Schloss wouldn't have to start from scratch with us.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Vino Bevo

    Vino Bevo Wine - how classy people get drunk

    Dang man that's what I was about to say - great minds!
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  25. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Amor Fati

    Unless he'd rather be in Austin
    • Agree Agree x 6
  26. WJHorn

    WJHorn 100+ Posts

    That would be the height of stupidity, even if we want to keep Pierce. Best case for him is that he is retained with no pay raise and some very stern marching orders (e.g. hire a damn pitching coach). And by the way, the coach that left for Marquette deserved to be fired, regardless of what he does there - he was given ample opportunity to succeed at UT and was an utter failure.
  27. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    We have tons of under developed talent that would have been capable of making it to Omaha this year. He wouldn't be starting from scratch.

    Also, sometimes money isn't the only motivator.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  28. ViperHorn

    ViperHorn 10,000+ Posts

    CdC has the resources to exceed that if he wants to. That plus Jimbo's $10 million plus all of the money aggy is spending on new facilities probably is going to put them close to cheating by using Permanent Funds again.
  29. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    • Agree Agree x 1
  30. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    Well, I am disappointed that my guy did not get it done, but I trust CDC to make it all work out.
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