Coach Mike Leach

It's kind of funny, everyone wants a coach was CS values (go to class, don't hit women, no guns), but want Tom Osborne/Urban Meyer results (3 first degree murder's with 2 more pending for Hernandez). Given the body bags pulled out of Waco, hire a real AD first.
Hiring an AD first would have been the best way to handle the situation. But events have usurped that schedule. Very doubtful that a quality AD will come in and fire the Head Football Coach basically on day one.

A new coach needs to be hired ASAP so no real time to hire the AD first. So the suspense is does Strong quit after the TCU game or does Perrin and Texas part ways with him on early AM on 26 November. The head coach selection has to be made ASAP as the year end dead period starts on 12 December and ends on 11 January.
On executing an onside kick against Texas: "The plan was to squib-kick it to a fat guy. Of course, the fat guys at Texas are nimble and they have good hands."
I don't care what he's lost to graduation, Leach will have WSU at least in the Top 25 (maybe the upper half of it) by the end of the season.

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