I'll just add the same message here that I posted under the title "A Rotten Coach and a Rotten Team," which friends told me they didn't want to read because it sounded like I was dumping on Texas. Au contraire. I was trying to be satirical about fan discontent...
...Here's a team that blows a good lead late in the game . They miss key shots and make bad plays. Their offense is so inept they can't score a basket in the last seven and a half minutes. They let themselves get killed on the boards, even though their opponent's starting center doesn't even get in the game. Texas...oh, wait a minute! We're describing West Virginia! I bet there's lots of discord in their camp today, though they're having a really good year. Fans are demanding. It's maddening to watch bad play and we have a right to analyze it. But don't let the bad blind you to the good.
I'm an agnostic on Karen Aston's coaching. I'm willing to accept the conventional wisdom on this site that she's good on defense, not so good on offense. I have no brilliant advice on how to stop the turnover problem. But as I keep saying, personnel is 80% of success in basketball. Aside from Enempali, and the erratic Imani, Texas is not a real talented basketball team, certainly not offensively. Commenters who claim otherwise are kidding themselves. Lang and Jones have promising futures, and others will improve. But right now, this year, we're not real talented. Lots of good role players, but no consistent outside shooters, no good reliable point guards, nobody who can create shots off the dribble. And you know what? We're only one star guard from being a top twenty, even a top ten team. Maybe that's a sign of good coaching. I don't know. Overseas fan makes some good points in their post on RPI. Texas is better than last year, and deeper. More wins. The losses are closer, no runaways, and with a little luck we could have been undefeated in Conference Play. But we're not undefeated, and the reason is we lack a scintillating star who can light it up and take over a game and compensate for the team's weak points. Texas has to grind it out, win or lose. Stars are supposed to start arriving next season. It'll be interesting to watch.