The IRS IG already did a thorough investigation. This is what makes Issa's grandstanding all the more pathetic. And in the proud tradition of Joseph McCarthy he will call for an independent investigation when hell freezes over. He, like the entire Right on this BBS, is not interested in reality or the truth.
If they were actually interested in the truth, they would very quickly realize that Obama would never be behind this for several very good reasons. The first reason is that the IRS is a quasi-independent agency somewhat similar to the Federal Reserve System. The President appoints the head guy, but then the agency is run independently. The head guy at the IRS until recently was a Bush appointee.
The second reason is that the Tea Party helps the Democrats. Obama and his political team knows this. They want the Tea Party to continue damaging the Republicans.
The third reason (this is actually the number one reason with me, but I am sure it is not with the Right wing nitwits on here) is that it would be wrong. Obama is and has been extremely ethical. He would not do this.
It is laughable to compare this to Watergate or any other scandal. Maybe if we investigate a few hundred more invented and manufactured scandals we will find something. You have nothing on Obama and are just trying to smear him with innuendo.
This is certainly not the way the legal process works (Obama would get summary judgment on any of these "claims"), but it is play one in the Republican political playbook when out of power. If you just could investigate for a few more years, you might find something.
It is very fitting coming from a party and group of sycophants bereft of ideas. Joseph McCarthy would be so proud.
Lost in all this is what the "scandal" is really all about. The real issue is whether these organizations can keep their donor lists secret. It also should be obvious to anyone that these political organizations should all be scrutinized (just not singled out). Everyone should be against secret political donations and the activity test for the status is sort of a joke.
One side, however, thinks that keeping donors secret is advantageous to them so they want to pour in on the IRS. They also want to damage and even perhaps dismantle the IRS getting flat taxes. This is not my side.