
I'd give it a B+ almost got a headache LOL
it was intense at times. My hubby picked THE WORST time to go potty ! he missed a very important part.

Who knew that 'Cloverfield' was a luv story? I thought it was a monster flick.

---movie is geared for teens, they might get scared
---best line of the movie when one of the characters speculated the monster might be a result of some US experiment, too bad this wasn't explored to add a fresh coat of paint to the tried and true Godzilla/War of Worlds plot
---the shaky camera was unnecessary, it didn't add to the realism of this story, my elementry school niece has already been trained not to move the camera around like a spaz

Just another not very good, but not horrible movie.

I just saw it; I thought it was pretty good, especially considering that I'm not a huge fan of this film genre. The camera style, while annoying at times, added an extra amount of realism to the film, so brownie points for J.J. Abrams.

Regarding the monster:
I won't go into detail on what it looks like (partly because it's too original/complicated to describe in detail), but I will say this: if the screen in DKR-TMS is called "Godzillatron," I'm going to start calling the screen in Jerry World "Cloverfieldtron."

In short, I thought the film was good; I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of this genre or a fan of J.J. Abrams's work.
Saw it tonight with my brother and his gf.

It's a really good monster movie. That may sound like damning with faint praise, but I think they're a lot harder to make than is generally thought. There were some really great moments throughout, even for a jaded horror fan like myself.

The herky-jerky camerawork didn't bug me, but it sure bugged someone in the previous showing - they left a nice long puddle of gunk on the way out. Neat!

I will say this: After I saw the snippet that came out last fall, I willed myself to stay away from hype and viral marketing stuff - I was thoroughly unspoiled. That made it, I believe, a lot better experience.

The fact that they didn't explain anything about the monster was, IMO, the right move. Much scarier if you think of the thing just emerging and wrecking **** than if you try to apply some pseudo-scientific/moralistic rationale to it. Let the viewers figure that out on their own.
Almost didn't see it due the shaky cam reviews, but I'm glad I did because the cam was hardly noticeable.

Good, entertaining movie. Short too, only 85 minutes. Gotta like that.

That Beth girl is hot, too.
Went and saw it this afternoon...the camera work bothered me a little bit at the beginning but after that it didnt really bother me bothered some of my friends alot more though...

As previously stated, I expected more of a monster movie then a romance movie and towards the end, the romance part of the movie started getting on my nerves...

It was alright for a January movie...6/10 stars
it was ok, enjoyed it more because i think i didnt expect too much.


a couple little personal pet peeve things did bother me though. for one, that spring street subway stop is completely wrong. i know, stupid thing to critique but it looks nothing like that.

i dont have a lot of experience with disasters but the nyc blackout of 04 was an experience. back then the first thing anyone did, was get off the island. you see something explode you dont look, gawk or think. you just run to the nearest bridge, get the **** off the island. second thing to do was get water cause you never know how long you'll be in a bad situation. seems common sense to me, these guys did none of that, just sorta bugged me. hell even get a knife or some kind of protection thing. also, no one was listening to car stereos or radios, that seemed a little odd.

other than that, didnt expect such a romantic angle but i got no real qualms with that. of course damn, those poor guys kept running into the monster, its freaking huge, how hard can it be to just go the other way? i know it was necessary to continue/finish the movie but damn, they just had the worst luck possible, even for a flick.
The movie was great .. well the first half I saw.. my friend made me leave half way through the movie because she was so sick to her stomach. I go to go alone next time

Other than the camera work, the most annoying part for me was the helicopter at the end. If there's a giant monster and I'm flying a helicopter, I fly in the opposite direction. Its not that hard. Instead, this guy flies right over the ******* thing while B-2s are dropping bombs on it and gets swatted down. There's only one giant monster and there's several ways to go in another direction. For some reason that annoyed the hell out of me

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