Clinton Ex-Campaign Manager Backs Obama

sure but Having a guy that was once central to a Clinton campaign....former head of the DNC...and super delegate to boot coming out to get in your corner doesnt hurt
I thought that this was going to be about the lady that was just replaced.

PS- I have a friend who worked on Clinton '92. He was in Little Rock for about 6 months and then eventually followed the crew to DC. He's been ProBama since middle of last year.

Not a hater. I have no horse in the Obama/Clinton race. It's just that there's an unusually high amount of unwarranted spin around here these days in favor of Obama. This is a perfect example. This is not some stunning revelation.
Uh, not it really isn't. If it had been Hillary Clinton's personal campaign manager, yes. But Bill Clinton's campaign manager from 1992... it's just. not. big news.

As Mr. Wizard alluded to, there's some sour grapes happening in this nomination. Actually, I wouldn't even put it that way. It's more that the bridge between the Clintons and Wilhelm was burned long ago. There's been bad blood, for whatever reason, for a long time between him and the Clinton crowd. This doesn't represent a recent defection.
Pfffft. I fart on your logic.

Seriously, though, to the mildly uniformed democratic voter, an endorsement like this could turn some votes toward Obama. Maybe not. Either way, I
think it's a big deal, therefore it is.
I think Edwards is going to end up not endorsing anyone

He's certainly not going to want himself tied to Hillary if she loses...which is a real possibility
If Edwards endorses anybody, it would be Clinton. He has nothing to gain by endorsing Obama, with the momentum he has gained. From what we have seen, his core constituency, while males, seem to have gone to Obama anyway. Now, he might be the difference between Clinton losing and winning. But he will only do so if he thinks she could win. So he might wait till after March 4, or atleast till he decides that she would carry Texas and Ohio.
Not to people like us, who really follow politics. But to the average person, it will hold some weight. And it will give Clinton some good news cycles. I still think that the election is very competitive and that any small advantage could end up being the difference.

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