Clemens: 'I did not take steroids, HGH, ..

that's what is so f'd up about so much of this.

if you deny it then you're a liar.
if you admit you're a cheater.

steroid use in the MLB is like accusing a citizen of rape. you can't get by it and it's labeled on you for the rest of your life whether you're found not not guilty or not. they'll always look at you as guilty.

i think the mitchell report is ******* ********.

i also think curt schilling should shut his god damn mouth about clemens having to prove he didn't take them. **** that. they need to prove he DID take them. a person can't prove they didn't take steroids.

i don't care about clemens, i don't care about the MLB (stopped watching after the 94 strike broke a young kid's heart - mine)...

this entire sport is a ***** and it's ridiculous. it's turning into the WWF or whatever it's called these days.
Schilling??!!? He has one of the worst bodies in baseball. He's built like a pear propped up by a couple of toothpicks. His new contract even has fitness clauses in it.
I believe McNamee...why would he tell the thruth about Andy and lie about Clemens?

If the thruth comes out and it is confirmed that Clemens did use HGH/steroids and any other stuff then his legacy goes down as a big *** lier.
[I did not have sexual relations with that women]
Good question. If McNamee didn't provide the steroids, HGH or testosterone where did Clemens get them?

No receipts, no checks no one else (so far) to say they provided them.........???

Only a trainer who could have a big book deal in his future saying that he injected them but didn't provide them.

Exactly his attorneys are jumping at every news camera that will think about looking at them. They are all trying to get as much publicity as possible.

No one would have even cared about the Mitchell Report if a big name was not in it. Pettitte was no where near a big enough name. McNamee had to name Clemens to stay out of jail and then cash in on it with a book deal.

I find it really strange that he calls Clemens right before the report comes out to ask about fishing equipment, like he is still a friend. I also find it interesting that Clemens was NOT TOLD what was in the report before it came down.

Mitchell made all of us believe that Clemens had a chance to answer. Sounds to me like he had a chance to talk to Mitchell but was not told about the allegations, which is all they are, allegations, beforehand.

George Mitchell has explaining to do if he did not tell players they had been named and give them a chance to refute it. Just inviting them to talk to him is not good enough.

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