Circle C


25+ Posts
Any Circle C homeowners on Hornfans? I'm thinking about buying in this neigborhood. How do you like it? Your comments are appreciated.
Circle C is evil. ok, not so much evil, but they did manage to put a whole lot more people in the place i grew up and make the traffic much more ridiculous and ruin some really beautiful land. i'm still bitter.
It's suburban sprawl. I can't believe how ******* huge that neighborhood is now. I'm waiting for Circle C Way South to open right next door to the Salt Lick. I figure it's only a year or two away.
When we bought our house about 7 year ago, we looked there. The biggest factor for me was the traffic, and the future traffic. If you really consider it, ask them about the 5 and 10 year plans for the area (including homes, apts, etc) and then try and figure out how all those people will be getting down town or wherever you need to go to get to work. We ruled it out and moved to Tarrytown instead. My commute to my office downtown is 6 minutes.
I agree that the traffic is bad. I'm hoping that the William Cannon / Mopac flyover will reduce traffic once it's finished. One of the biggest attractions of Circle C is the amenities. I love to swim laps, so their Olympic pool is a big attraction. My wife is a cyclist, so the Veloway is great for her. I'm sure I'll frequent the Circle C golf club as well.
It sounds like your mind was made up already and you sought affirmation. You did not get it. But you still seem to lean that way. Hope you like NPR and traffic. You may even get home in time to swim for a couple of minutes before it closes.

Seriously, read the above posts. Ask for the future plans. A house is not just for now, but for later too.
Loop. I did read the above posts and I appreciate the feedback. I wasn't expecting anyone to say it's the greatest neighborhood with no drawbacks. I'm just trying to point out a few pros to the above cons.
I live out here near Circle C. From Slaughter / MoPac, if you don't leave by 7:05, it will take you 50 minutes + to get to downtown / UT. If you leave before that time, you'll get there in 30. If you leave before 6:30, you'll be there in 20. There is a Capital Metro Oak Hill Flyer bus that leaves from the Y in Oak Hill...if you're interested.

It's nice as long as it stays undeveloped. Fighting off WAL-MART was a big win, but I bet in 5 years, it will look like I-35 and Parmer Lane in no time. Not much we can do about it, people need the services and don't like traffic.
There's no question that it's a nice neighborhood. But you could live close to town and swim at the Y or Deep Eddy, your wife can ride in West Austin's bike lanes and around Mt Bonnell, and you can play golf all over town.
Another pro would be Bowie is a great high school. Great academics and good athletics. 2-time Blue Ribbon school and has great teachers. The entire school is very involved.

Like Loopy said, it's a decision for the future.