circle c golf club


100+ Posts
anybody been out there recently? What kind of shape is it in?

worth the $$?

you can usually play it for 30-35 on weekdays and 40-45 on weekends.

well worth it the last time i played. just don't pay their listed rate. do some digging and you'll find plenty of specials.

niner, check your ******* PMs once in a while.
golf512 usually has some specials for them. Some you only need one player, some you must have 2 or 4. There used to be better deals on GolfQ, but it seems they aren't listed on GolfQ anymore.

I've been meaning to check them out because it's so close to the house, but, I havent.
Just got an email that from golf512 with some $25 specials for Circle C. 2-4 players, mid-afternoon, weekdays.