Chizik steals 4* WR Sedrick Johnson from Ags

Lol @ aggy. I love it when things don't go their way. I can hear it now, "we didn't actually offer, he wouldn't have been a good fit in CS", etc. Pooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr aggys!!
Definitely a strange development. Chizik reportedly scared him about certain individual matters regarding A&M. He also wants to play basketball and his chances would logically be better at ISU on that end. Either way, not a good thing for us.

However, McGuffie is still waivering and Davis is in the air. It will continue to be an interesting day.
This sits well with me.
My personal opinions:

Hey! Please have pity on us poor Ags!

We actually committed 13 four star athletes this year. They just all decommitted to places like UT, ou, okie state, isu, ucla, nd, etc.!

we've just signed 6 four and five star athletes so far today! And losing Rod Davis would just cap off a bad Aggie joke day!

We even recently had a 2 star decommit for la tech!

The tradition continues!

A&M, for this decade, averages signing 6 four and five star athletes while UT and ou each sign up to 21. Then A&M takes the 2 and 3 star athletes left over and signs them!

Since back in 2001, A&M has averaged signing only 6 four and five star athletes each year; Tu and ou each signed 2 1/2 to 3 times as many four and five star athletes in both the 2001 and 2002 recruiting years.

Now this year both UT and ou look to sign twice as many or more four and five star athletes this year than A&M, as they have for this decade! And thats with A&M signing more total commits this year.

Please pity A&M and remember our athletic director, had zero experience in hiring a college head coach and his staff !

Then in November, he hired a head coach with zero college head coaching experience and zero head coaching recruiting experience and zero college head coach experience in hiring a college recruiting and coaching staff.

But hey, A&M's head coach is paid less than ut's, ou's, baylor's, and even smu's and that's very important in a billion dollar a year Big 12 football business!

And we've dropped to a 16th team ranking, way below UT and ou, and the day isn't over yet!

Then A&M hired a coaching staff with almost zero recruiting experience of four and five star athletes for the past five years. All ten A&M coaches recruited a total of 2 four and five star athletes the past five years, while UT recruited 62 and ou 67 for the classes of 03-07. A&M's total can remain at 2 or JUMP to 5 depending on which coach takes the 10 th position.

These numbers are a matter of public record, but get wiped off some blogs really fast ?

But that's ok! I just have to remember all the spin on each coaching announcement about how "this coaching staff understands the importance of recruiting and their hiring will emphasize recruiting". Then I know it will be ok?

So now we started 09 recruiting with A&M's junior day 10 days ago and have zero 09 commits from it!

Two schools that also hired new coaches, ucla and michigan, both already have four and five star commits for 09. ou had its junior day saturday and already has an 09 recruit committed. usc already has 8 commits for 09 and a number of others already have 1 or more commits!

UT with its junior day on the 10th will probably be close to double digit commits for 09 within a week afterward. And A&M will just get farther behind?

With the past experience level near zero of A&M's coaching staff in signing four and five star athletes, Aggies can only expect to have our rears kicked this year and in future years in recruiting, and to see it translated into losses on the field in the next few years.

I just wish they someway would start today to prove me wrong!

What a screwed up situation. I just hope for his sake that ISU is where he really wanted to go. I would think it is since that's where he originally signed. I certainly enjoy seeing one snatched away from Aggy.

The whole business of partents signing to has always confused me for this very reason. I'd always heard that all LOIs had to be signed by a parent or guardian. I never could understand why a legal adult of 18 had to have the parental signature. It turns out maybe they don't after all.
This situation probably cannot be good for anyone involved. Biological dad is not on the same page as mom. Mom and son aren't seeing eye to eye. Dad allows son to go back on his word and sign with ISU. Mom forces son to reneg on a signed contract to go to aTm. Now ISU and the NCAA are holding him to his LOI with ISU. This kid and his parents don't seem to have any clue what is going on. I cannot imagine either school would be real happy to have him at this point.

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