
For all their similarities, John Chiles and Vince Young have at least one glaring difference -- their passing ability. I don't know why people expect John to suddenly become proficient as a passing QB. Other kids with his arm would never get a shot (or perhaps even a scholarship), but for some reason, Texas fans are just obsessed with giving him playing time behind center. I don't understand it.

Now, I completely agree that he should be getting playing time, and perhaps as a starter. I don't know if the "Q package" will work out, but I don't think it's dead yet. But I do think Harris should be given an equal shot at the backup QB role.
But I do think Harris should be given an equal shot at the backup QB role.
I agree with you.. Because right now we do not have a secure second team Qb but then again name me one College team that does. I think with the talent around him any Qb that can come in and NOT put the game on his shoulders and use the talent around him could do very well.
Chiles is not the leader of this team. Colt is. If Chiles wants the job, he had the opportunity to do so during the Summer. Reports had been clear that his passing still was questionable, and we saw evidance again of that last night.

Colt looked great yesterday. There is no question in my mind who is the best QB on our team, and he is our starter. Colt should finish through his senior season, barring any type of injury. They guy can play, and he can get the yards you need to win.

Chiles can get his snaps during mop up and practice....if he can prove during those situations he is better (he hasn't), then I can see a case for arguing giving the guy more playing time. I was upset he was given a series in the first half, honestly, last night. It got us nowhere fast, too. Less important than the not-so-impressive passing attack he shows, his running ability looked slow and lumbering. Regardless, that is a secondary attribute to any QB. Passing should be the #1 priority. Colt has both the passing and the scrambling worked out.

Chiles is not cut out to be our leader any time soon, IMO. If Colt goes down, that is his opportunity to shine, and it is his job to be ready to take on the challenge if it arises. He needs to prepare himself to take over in 2 years. He is definitely a #2 style college QB at this moment.