Chicago Hate Crime?

But conservatives would not be jumping to conclusions about all the wrong things they think the cops were probably going to do.

I respect the blue and they do deserve the benefit of doubt until proven other wise. So you bring this up right after 4 black people take a mentally disabled kid hostage for 48 hours and tortured him over and over and they stated their guilt on video. Sorry, they should have been arrested immediately. There's no gray area. I would have said the same no matter what color they were.

Sorry, what I should have said is that conservatives accuse liberals of overplaying the race card. My bad.

Libs play the race card so much that it takes away from the true ligit racism, which is unfortunate.
I respect the blue and they do deserve the benefit of doubt until proven other wise. So you bring this up right after 4 black people take a mentally disabled kid hostage for 48 hours and tortured him over and over and they stated their guilt on video. Sorry, they should have been arrested immediately. There's no gray area. I would have said the same no matter what color they were.

But they were arrested immediately as soon as the police were able to determine what happened. It's not as if the police were watching this live on Facebook and waited until they discovered this poor kid wandering the streets disoriented to arrest the perpetrators.
I've got a great idea. Let's stop caring whether something was a "Hate crime" or not. When people do despicable acts, I don't care why they did it. Punish it all equally. No more hand-wringing about why someone thought one crime was a hate crime and another one wasn't. No more classifying which victims were less deserving than others. Just enforce the law. Can we just do that???
But they were arrested immediately as soon as the police were able to determine what happened

I see what you're saying. But CNN reported that they were investigating it as a hate crime. What's there to investigate? They stated their motives on video. I also agree with Prod that a crime is a crime.
I'd be happy if they did away with hate crime laws, but they won't, and so I believe they should be applied, as appropriate, without regard to race. I don't believe that 's been the case in the past.
I see what you're saying. But CNN reported that they were investigating it as a hate crime. What's there to investigate? They stated their motives on video. I also agree with Prod that a crime is a crime.

A good police officer or DA would never take evidence at face value, no matter how damning it may seem to be. If the evidence really is as solid as it seems, it will check out fairly quickly. Then they can act, with a more solid case that will hold up in court.

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