And all this started by a has-been writer for a third-rate fish wrap?
It has been a long decade fueled by incompetence in the President's office, two horrendous hires, one "I can't do that to my friend", and we expect instant gratification? Sorry but if Powers hadn't botched the Saban deal, it is doubtful Nick would have done the turnaround that Sonny pulled in Tarrant County. Will Sonny have an encore? Doubtful, but he has done it once, which is a lot more times than multiple other coaches around the country have.
Give Sonny & his staff credit for a fantastic job. Give Sark some time (my patience is gone) to produce - remembering that Mack Brown's first couple of seasons included getting 60+ dropped on us by OU.
While waiting, ignore self-seeking full-of-themselves "I know something you don't know" fish wrap employees (and posters). Maybe Kirk & I can start a club and be the first two members.