Canada terrorism

No matter who did this the media were going to blame Trump. Now that it's been determined it's a white nationalist behind this they are going to double down on it.
No matter who did this the media were going to blame Trump. Now that it's been determined it's a white nationalist behind this they are going to double down on it.
Ah, yes, "the media." Re-read the thread if you want an ironic laugh about how it is the librul media that engages in the blame game.
As I see it, there are at least three possibilities: 1) the shooter is an islamist terrorist, and shot up those he saw as apostate, and shouted as he killed the infidels in the phony Mosque; 2) the shooter shouted "Allahu Akbar" ironically; 3) victim(s), in his(their) terror, was(were) calling out to God, and such shouts were mistaken for those of the shooter. Other possibilities exist.

You did know I was making a joke, right?
You did know I was making a joke, right?
LOL! Yes, I did. Your personality and generally thoughtful commentary are pretty well known, so I saw the smirk. My comments were serious though, because many people were jumping to conclusions because of the reports of "Allah Akbar." Like many on this thread, I was merely urging that we wait before we make pronouncements and policy declarations based upon limited information - since Hornfans is a go-to place, frequented by high level policy figures for the quality of the analysis on this site. I expect it is mandatory reading in the State Department.
I'm just bumping this so that those of you who suggested that a Muslim probably did it are reminded to make a heart-felt apology.

If we want to curtail terrorism, we need to establish better relations with the large majority of Muslims who are not terrorists. Instead of blaming Muslims for actions that a Christian takes against Muslims, maybe we should start doing more things like this: Link.
I'm just bumping this so that those of you who suggested that a Muslim probably did it are reminded to make a heart-felt apology.

If we want to curtail terrorism, we need to establish better relations with the large majority of Muslims who are not terrorists. Instead of blaming Muslims for actions that a Christian takes against Muslims, maybe we should start doing more things like this: Link.
Boomer Soo..., uh, ....I mean, Hook'em, brother Longhorn. :)
I'm just bumping this so that those of you who suggested that a Muslim probably did it are reminded to make a heart-felt apology.

If we want to curtail terrorism, we need to establish better relations with the large majority of Muslims who are not terrorists. Instead of blaming Muslims for actions that a Christian takes against Muslims, maybe we should start doing more things like this: Link.

I'm sure those that claimed a Muslim did it will apologize as soon as the MSM and Obama apologize for their false claims about Conservatives committing all types of atrocities.

I'm all for having a better relationship with Muslims. It would help if they would denounce the "tax 'em, convert 'em, or kill'em" philosophy that is a foundation of that cult. It would also help if more than three or four "friendly" Muslims spoke out against those committing thousands of heinous murders throughout the world.
I'm all for having a better relationship with Muslims. It would help if they would denounce the "tax 'em, convert 'em, or kill'em" philosophy that is a foundation of that cult. It would also help if more than three or four "friendly" Muslims spoke out against those committing thousands of heinous murders throughout the world.
This argument was made frequently on this board years ago, but nobody has had the chutzpah to post it recently. I thought it had finally migrated into the realm of "too ridiculous for even an extremist to argue", but I guess I'm wrong.

After every single incident of terrorism, the American Muslim community aggressively condemns the perpetrators. For example, this message came out hours after the Orlando massacre, with signatures by hundreds of Muslim organizations and Imams. Of course, this wasn't the headline on Fox News or Breitbart. What do you want them to do, hire airplanes to fly banners over gun shows and NASCAR races?

On a somewhat more comprehensive basis, here's a link to a Colorado teenager's list of thousands of Muslim leaders denouncing terrorism and violence. I previously posted a more comprehensive list, but thus kid's list is more recent.

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