Can you learn Sales?

Selling a service versus selling a product are a little different but IMO some of the fundamenatals to successful selling are:

strong relationship building skills
ability to establish a high level of trust
excellent listening skills
asking questions & overcoming objections
solving problems for the client
setting proper expectations upfront
doing what you say you will do and more
close & open communication with the client
knowledge of product or service
good reputation of company you represent
ability to close the sale

All are important, but the most important elements are relationship building skills, listening, solving customer problems and closing the sale.
thanks Jive for making it life applicable for me.
HatDaddy - PM on the way. This is one of the few questions I've seen on here where I might actually be able to help!
One of the great sales trainers, Zig Ziglar says, "There is no such thing as a born salesperson. You have never opened the newspaper and read that a 7-pound, 9-ounce SALESMAN was born to Mr. & Mrs....."

Selling skills are learned. You can learn them. The better you learn and apply them, the better salesperson you will be. In your case, as someone "out there" selling, I recommend you get The Little Red Book Of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer and do what he says. He is right. And you can do it. I wish you well.
Yes. But you must have the raw materials. Many people don't. And no matter how much training they get, they will never get it. Others don't think they are any good but they are undiscovered diamonds in the rough, just waiting to be found, cut, and polished.

The problem is, in our society, too many people are forced to be sales people despite the fact that they hate it or are no good at it.

There's only one way to find out though, give it a shot. In 3-6 months, you will know.
Sales is easy if you believe in your product. I never sold a thing until I was in my thirties. I was a carpenter in Denver, and moved to DFW doing that. I got an opportunity to sell Custom Homes outside of DFW, and never looked back. I thought the customers came to me more for help rather than to be "sold" something. They didn't understand the whole process, and it was second nature to me. The fact that they had a real need, in an area where I had plenty of expertise, made sales fairly easy for me. After that, I started selling regular Real Estate, and was the #2 seller for Cantury 21 for 3 years in the entire DFW area. Again, the people basically had a need, would tell me what the need was, and I would use the MLS to find them the solution to their housing needs.

Summerof79, not only one of my favorite summers as well, but has some great points as to technique. Make a copy of Summer's response, especially the shut the f(&%^ up part when closing. Let the customer decide, no, FORCE the customer to decide with your silence. It is a mental game you cannot afford to lose as a salesman, or business owner.

I am the guy who helped start Tito's Vodka, You could say I have learned just a bit about sales and marketing over the years.

The main thing upon startup is going to be fortitude. There will be times when it seems like the world is crashing in around you. Keep going. Your wife may leave you. Keep going. Other bad things may happen. Keep going. It will pay off. When you do make a sale, you will feel high as a kite, especially the first couple, for the new business.

Eventually the adrenaline will wear off, and it will seem like a job again. Keep going. Don't let anything stop you. Ten years from now, all that stuff will seem like it was just a dream.

Here are a couple of motivational saying I keep printed, and close:

Quitters Never Win- Winners Never Quit

That is especially true for sales, and business start ups.

Here is another, ask yourself each question, in order, write down your answer to eacn before proceeding.

1) What are your goals?

2) What will be the cost of achieving your goals?

3) Are you willing to pay the price?

4) When is a good time to start.

Of course, the best time to start is always NOW.

It is up to you. Best of luck to you. Make it happen.

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