Campus Nau's to close


500+ Posts
Found out this morning that the West Campus Nau's will be closing soon. That entire corner including the old Bongo's BBQ is coming down to make way for condo's.

Stop by and get a burger while you still can. They're no Chris Madrid's but they're decent nonetheless.
Well at least there will finally be some cookie cutter condo's on West Campus!
that blows

at least the one on west lynne will stay, i cant see that place ever leaving. the old school factor makes it such a great burger. i am sad to see the campus location go, damn.
Mother ******!!!

Nau's was a 25 foot walk every morning for breakfast and a good place to cash checks with an empty bank account. I new this would happen eventually, but it still blows.
Give me a ******* break aggy. I used to cash a check on the 30th for $25 when my deposit came in on the 1st. Although my account was empty on the 30th, there was $$$ covering the check in it on the 1st, when the check cleared. Just about everyone I knew did the same thing. People do this at groceries stores all over the country every day. This was not defrauding anyone.

PS, Are you just a jackass all the time? I'm guessing you are around 25 and from Houston.
Kiting a check and then putting money into the account to cover it before it posts is not theft. There is no intent to defraud. This is covered in week 1 of crim law.

And Nau's closing, sucks.
I did it.
I did it at Nau's.

And I'm going there for lunch today.

I'll use a debit card. I'm doing a little better these days.