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a sunshine pumper but i have a very good feeling about this team. Im not sure why maybe it's the fact that there aren't any big stand outs at the moment. The fact that they all play as a team to succed. I wouldn't be surprised to see these guys really gel over the next few weeks and make a run at the Big 12 title. And who knows maybe even a more lofty goal as well. I honestly feel were going to be underdogs going into the Missouri, Ou and even possibly the Kansas game. And with this taking a bit of pressure off of us for a change and putting it on the other guys. Well im excited and can't wait to see how things play out. Any one else picking up on these vibes?
the defense needs to get much better...which could happen. we're playin bend-don't-break. we need to start simply kicking ***. freshman safeties, new scheme, blah, blah...just kick ***.
I have an internal peace and general feeling of acceptance that this season is not going to be that great.
I have decided to keep my expectations realistic. I expect Los Horns will have a real hard time with OU. We could lose to MU or TT or CU or KU, but I don't see more than 3 loses, and with a little luck, maybe less. Considering the depth, youth, schedule, and history, that's about right. We could get real lucky, but I would consider real lucky to be one loss and getting into a bowl in which we're over-matched. Anything worse than 3 losses and I will be disappointed, but I will not be the sulking, whiny, typical fan I usually am when I get disapointed by my team. The reason being, the future is so very bright. The very youth and lack of depth now, will be a very experienced, salty group for about the next 2-3 seasons.