California Lawmakers move to become "Sanctuary State"

Too easy to call him The Kaiser?
Was it all about not wanting to offend a certain NYC voting block?

Yeah, better to have a nice ethnic name like "de Blasio" than an obvious white guy name. He may be taking the Rachel Dolezal route of denying his "whiteness".

Makes you wonder if the Wilhelms were real fascists? Humm....
People here dont seem to get memes

The problem is that most memes aren't subtle. It's supposed to be ridiculous on the face of it - clearly that person didn't really say what the meme says. But that one doesn't look like a meme. It's not styled like one, and there's nothing about it that suggests it. Without knowing the history of the quote, there's no contextual reason that to think it's not asserting it's a direct quote.

Maybe something like "1939 called. It said keep an eye on your socialists."
An actual LOL.

The problem is that most memes aren't subtle. It's supposed to be ridiculous on the face of it - clearly that person didn't really say what the meme says. But that one doesn't look like a meme. It's not styled like one, and there's nothing about it that suggests it. Without knowing the history of the quote, there's no contextual reason that to think it's not asserting it's a direct quote.

Maybe something like "1939 called. It said keep an eye on your socialists."

I have alot of thoughts on this, but I dont want to tip off the other side
Because they still dont get it yet
Sometimes you seem them meme, but usually its a sad. Often just a blatant ripoff
5-time deported illegal immigrant who shot and killed Kate Steinle in San Fran in front of witnesses just found NOT GUILTY.

All hell is about to break loose. Same girl who has a bill in Congress (Kate's Law) named after her and was passed by the House.
5-time deported illegal immigrant who shot and killed Kate Steinle in San Fran in front of witnesses just found NOT GUILTY.

All hell is about to break loose. Same girl who has a bill in Congress (Kate's Law) named after her and was passed by the House.

I was worried this might happen. Politically charged case, liberal and partisan venue, and shaky evidence of intent. It was a perfect storm for an acquittal on the murder charge.
I was worried this might happen. Politically charged case, liberal and partisan venue, and shaky evidence of intent. It was a perfect storm for an acquittal on the murder charge.

There was mention of ricochet evidence from the bullet. I'm sure that's all it took for this specific jury to acquit for murder.

How did he get by without involuntary manslaughter? Even people who kill others in DWI's are routinely convicted of that.

Did they overshoot charges preventing consideration of the lessor charge causing death? Did they charge him with the gauntlet but the state organized the prosecution to prove murder and poorly attacked the lessor charge?

I get you weren't on location, just curious of your take on that?

Sounds like they're considering federal charges now.
There was mention of ricochet evidence from the bullet. I'm sure that's all it took for this specific jury to acquit for murder.

How did he get by without involuntary manslaughter? Even people who kill others in DWI's are routinely convicted of that.

Did they overshoot charges preventing consideration of the lessor charge causing death? Did they charge him with the gauntlet but the state organized the prosecution to prove murder and poorly attacked the lessor charge?

I get you weren't on location, just curious of your take on that?

Sounds like they're considering federal charges now.

Those are all good points; they crossed my mind too (I read about the ricochet). I want to be a person who understands that what is said in the courtroom can be much different than what we hear in the media. I've heard complaints for years about the infamous McDonald's hot coffee jury award but then I heard that IN COURT they proved that McDonald's had been warned repeatedly about their hot coffee and ignored all the complaints. If true, the jury may have just nailed them for their arrogance. In other words, there's always more to the story.
Involuntary manslaughter seems like a no-brainer.

Involuntary manslaughter usually refers to an unintentional killing that results from recklessness or criminal negligence, or from an unlawful act that is a misdemeanor or low-level felony (such as a DUI).

He confessed to picking up the gun from a trash can I believe. Moved it to another location. Gun went off in his presence (heard he said he stepped on it) and bullet hit and killed her.

As for being a result of an unlawful act...he was a felon in possession of a firearm, which is a felony itself I believe.
Involuntary manslaughter seems like a no-brainer.

Involuntary manslaughter usually refers to an unintentional killing that results from recklessness or criminal negligence, or from an unlawful act that is a misdemeanor or low-level felony (such as a DUI).

He confessed to picking up the gun from a trash can I believe. Moved it to another location. Gun went off in his presence (heard he said he stepped on it) and bullet hit and killed her.

As for being a result of an unlawful act...he was a felon in possession of a firearm, which is a felony itself I believe.

So then does it mean the DA over-reached with the charge and there is no mechanism to reduce the verdict to crimes that were committed?
So then does it mean the DA over-reached with the charge and there is no mechanism to reduce the verdict to crimes that were committed?

Would like to know the same.

DT needs to raise hell and publicly pressure the Senate to vote on Kate's Law as soon as tax reform concludes. The House already passed it 257-167.

The iron is hot and he won't find more public backing on it than now.

At least force Dems to vote it down and send a clear sign American lives are less important than the sanctuary of previously deported, convicted criminal illegals.
Would like to know the same.

DT needs to raise hell and publicly pressure the Senate to vote on Kate's Law as soon as tax reform concludes. The House already passed it 257-167.

The iron is hot and he won't find more public backing on it than now.

At least force the Dems to vote it down and send a clear sign American lives are less important to them than the sanctuary of previously deported, convicted criminal illegals.

There is no doubt that this entire mess is an outrage given the arrogance of the Left concerning illegal aliens.
How any American could support releasing illegal felons back into the community is disturbingly disgusting.

Only proves beyond a doubt that needless American suffering is trivial collateral damage to the modern left and their lust for power.

Burying sexual crimes on a mass scale, protecting illegal criminals, calling for more refugees from war torn Syria while Europe is a living example of the carnage it brings to the citizens.

These aren't Democrats anymore. The sooner everyone wakes up to that ugly truth and dismantles this radical threat, the safer our children we'll be.
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How any American could support releasing illegal felons back into the community is disturbingly disgusting. Just proves needless American suffering is trivial collateral damage to the modern left and their lust for power.

I've spent YEARS debating if you can call it that some extreme Left-wingers on a website. Believe me, they HATE CHRISTIANS with a passion for starters and are so one-sided you can't even talk to them. Their side is INERRANT. These are the vile Liberals that we see online insulting right-wingers with venom. The thing is, they are feminist, secular/atheist, green and "educated." Tell me if that is the demographic coming from Mexico and the Middle East (the Muslim refugees). Think about whether or not Catholics (and macho males) and Muslims are homophobic or not. This is not to say we shouldn't welcome people to our shores; it is instead an illustration of their abject hypocrisy when it comes to their hatred of white people versus people of color with the same demographic.
It's a war against the most basic foundations of America...plain and simple.

I don't see it through racial lenses although there are components of that. I just refuse to allow that to override the narrative as I know and cherish so many amazing Americans and legal immigrants of other races.

War on Christian religion (Islam is viciously protected)
War on capitalism (socialized medicine and socialist prez candidate)
War on Republic gov and electoral vote (demands for pure democracy)
War on constitution (1st, 2nd ammendment, etc)
War on federal immigration laws
War on historical monuments

The list goes on and on. 100% proof the modern left wants to completely shred and burn the foundations of America. The very reason MAGA exists is to shut it down, and we will. :usa:
It's a war against the most basic foundations of America...plain and simple.

I don't see it through racial lenses although there are components of that. I just refuse to allow that to override the narrative as I know and cherish so many amazing Americans and legal immigrants of other races.

War on Christian religion (Islam is viciously protected)
War on capitalism (socialized medicine and socialist prez candidate)
War on Republic gov and electoral vote (demands for pure democracy)
War on constitution (1st, 2nd ammendment, etc)
War on federal immigration laws
War on historical monuments

The list goes on and on. 100% proof the modern left wants to completely shred and burn the foundations of America. The very reason MAGA exists is to shut it down, and we will. :usa:

Have you seen this?

There is a new generation of "activists" who have taken the hatred of white people to the brink of the Nazi hatred of Jews. It is not enough anymore to prove actual discrimination or racism; it is now bordering on being a crime or a condition to be mitigated (affirmative action is not enough) if you are white.

That being said, I HATE NAZI'S and it is VITAL that all Republicans/Conservative make that clear. It thought it was obvious. White Conservatives loved Patton and our WWII history. We were the driving force from the East that crushed the Nazi's. We made the townsfolk clean-up the concentration camps. We shoved it in their face. We are the ones who now love the anthem and the flag and it is an outrage to be seen as being Nazi sympathizers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

But the white privilege campaign does come very close to what innocent Jews endured when they were made to wear the Star of David.
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There was mention of ricochet evidence from the bullet. I'm sure that's all it took for this specific jury to acquit for murder.

How did he get by without involuntary manslaughter? Even people who kill others in DWI's are routinely convicted of that.

Did they overshoot charges preventing consideration of the lessor charge causing death? Did they charge him with the gauntlet but the state organized the prosecution to prove murder and poorly attacked the lessor charge?

I get you weren't on location, just curious of your take on that?

Sounds like they're considering federal charges now.

Without actually watching the trial, it's hard to know how the prosecution argued the case or what they chose to focus on. Keep in mind that there is a political angle on this for the DA. If they get a conviction, it's an obvious victory for Trump and those who are hostile to illegal immigration. If you're the DA who made that happen, that's a liability if you're running for reelection in San Francisco. (Keep in mind that there's a reason why San Francisco is an extreme sanctuary city and why its leaders keep getting reelected while keeping it so.) Might they have argued too hard on the murder charge (which was weak) to the neglect of the manslaughter charge (which was strong) in hopes of getting an acquittal and washing their hands of the matter? Possibly. Hard to say.

However, just looking at the case without political lenses, I don't blame the jury for not convicting him for murder. The evidence of intent was pretty spotty, and since there was no clear motive that suggested that he wanted Steinle dead, I can see why the jury was willing to consider the ricochet evidence and find reasonable doubt on intent.

But manslaughter or some kind of criminally negligent homicide? Even if you buy the defendant's version of the facts, it takes some pretty extreme deference to the defendant not to convict.
But manslaughter or some kind of criminally negligent homicide? Even if you buy the defendant's version of the facts, it takes some pretty extreme deference to the defendant not to convict.

And I think that is what most of us non-lawyer types think.
A very good article on the case that actually discusses the trial and the relevant facts and contentions. An extreme rarity in modern media.

I think we all agree that Garcia Zarate should have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter. I doubt that conviction would have sufficed for those Trump supporters that witnessed that case being used as a political pawn piece.
I think we all agree that Garcia Zarate should have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter. I doubt that conviction would have sufficed for those Trump supporters that witnessed that case being used as a political pawn piece.

It is my opinion that the immigration laws of the United States has been politicized by the Left. Merely stepping up enforcement is not political. It is merely stepping up enforcement of a valid law. I think you have a world-class blind-spot. Zarate merely is a good example of the problem with our enforcement efforts. It just happens that he committed his crime (whatever it is) in the capital of the sanctuary movement which certainly provided reinforcement to those who are being called racists by those on the Left who refuse to support the enforcement of the law. It's very obvious.
It is my opinion that the immigration laws of the United States has been politicized by the Left. Merely stepping up enforcement is not political. It is merely stepping up enforcement of a valid law. I think you have a world-class blind-spot. Zarate merely is a good example of the problem with our enforcement efforts. It just happens that he committed his crime (whatever it is) in the capital of the sanctuary movement which certainly provided reinforcement to those who are being called racists by those on the Left who refuse to support the enforcement of the law. It's very obvious.

Bystander, you're not necessarily wrong. However, the immigration issue had nothing to do with whether Zarate was convicted or what he was convicted of. All the jury did was answer a jury charge asking if he committed the crimes for which he was accused, none of which had anything to do with immigration enforcement. Should the fact that Zarate was in a position to commit a crime be a political issue? Absolutely. Should the fact that he was acquitted of murder be a political issue? No.
Bystander, you're not necessarily wrong. However, the immigration issue had nothing to do with whether Zarate was convicted or what he was convicted of. All the jury did was answer a jury charge asking if he committed the crimes for which he was accused, none of which had anything to do with immigration enforcement. Should the fact that Zarate was in a position to commit a crime be a political issue? Absolutely. Should the fact that he was acquitted of murder be a political issue? No.

Agreed. I was responding to Seattle saying that it was a political piece for Trump supporters so I thought I'd dial it all the way back to the core issue of immigration in the US. He was here five times illegally (is that true?). What is political about that? Nothing. He repeatedly broke a law. It's pretty simple in my view. The only thing that should be said is that he should be deported. On the spot. Every time. But what is the opinion of Sonya Sotomayor on this? What is the opinion of LULAC and La Raza? I believe they would be in favor of amnesty or some sort of sanctuary for him. Why? Politics from the Left. Latino politics. Race politics.

My Father came to the US in 1955 from Cuba. He did not come under any wet-foot dry-foot program. He came over on an athletic scholarship and did things the right way. I know what immigration from another country is all about. And the laws are proper and the enforcement must be too.

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