Runners in scoring position
Hathaway up with 2 outs.
Ball, Liner down right field line for a double !!!!!!!!!!!
2 runners score !!!
Top of 6th inning
Texas 4 CBU 0
Day still in circle
strike out ..... 1 out
ground out... 4-3 put out 2 outs
Fly ball top of wall ..triple !!!!!!!
To the 7th inning..First time this season Texas has to play the 7th !!!!!!!
Texas 4 CBU 0
Audio keeps cutting out.....GRRRRRRGGGHHH
4-3 put out..Jefferson with a dive and throw from her knees, Burke with a stretch...
Fly ball to center !!!! Rhoades with a catch for out #2..
1-1 ct... foul ball.....1-2 ct.... Iakopo error ball between the legs at third
Strike , Ball, Ball, 2-1 ct
Strike ...2-2 ct
Liner foul !!! 2-2 ct
Swing and foul tip held onto by catcher !!!!
Complete game shutout for Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our bats came back to human form. Still managed 6 doubles though. Courtney Day looked good in the circle and at the plate. We play 4 good teams next be nice to see how we play against more power 5.
Thanks for the play-by-play. Half read, half listened. Looks like Day is proving to Mike she can be #3 in the rotation.

But two errors.

Errors happen. Part of baseball and softball.... One in RF was SMH though. If Ellish isn't going to smash the ball she doesn't need to be anywhere but in the circle. Other players like Washington etc can hit, and they have experience and talent to play the field. Silly errors like that just can't afford to happen against good teams. She is a good stick, but need solid defense too.
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