Buck Bob Show


First Time Poster
DEAR 1300

The Bucky and Bob show? Are you kidding me?
I have been a huge fan and listener of 1300 for years. I have tolerated the changes over the past few months, although some of my favorite personalities are now gone. Now you go and screw up the one thing left of your station I enjoy.

Bob is fine and all but on the talk show side of the FM station. I know he has a following but I tune in to 1300 for sports, not a generic talk show. I feel sorry for Bucky. He seems lost and a deer in headlights with Bob. It should be the BOB and Bucky show because Bob does most of the talking. Seems like Bucky is starstruck, quieter, reserved while on with Bob. I love to listen to Bucky talk about sports. I loved Erin as well but at least I still could listen to Bucky.

You lost me. There is an alternative for sports fans in Austin . I really hope you guys get pie in the face on this one. I know it’s about money. The cost of your talent and all but you just lost listeners over this one. Not only myself , but many of other listeners that I know on a personal level.

Guess its Mike & Mike for me now. The only time now I will listen to 1300 is Craig Way .

ESPN Radio thanks you.

Yesterday, I listened for a few minutes and they were talking about a New York law requiring restaurants to post calorie content.

Then this morning, Bob has a thing where he predicts the temperature and then sees if he was right.

Calf rope. I'm done.
Unlistenable. In the past year, 1300 has put on the two worst radio shows I've ever heard in Austin... that thing with the deuchebag and Hoffman, and now this.
I've stopped listening in the morning too, I hate it.. Bucky used to brighten my mornings, but now I just drive with the ipod on.

Although... I guess I'm in the minority, I kind of like AJ and Friends. I really did dislike Gregggg though...
I started listening to AJ and De again, I like those 2 together AJ isnt really all that bad since idiot left. Probably in the minority here. Cant wait for that E hogan show to start in the mornings.
I can't listen, either. I heard about 5 minutes one day before I switched and Bucky didn't sound too thrilled,so maybe he will head out to 1530 as soon as he can.
Amazing how many thought this was an April Fool's Day joke, and it is.
But the joke's on us, the former listeners. The reason for all this is clear. The 1300/98.1 ownership can decrease their costs exponentially this way. No co-host for Bucky was hired, and no co-host for Bob was hired. Program director job combined, and no telling how many other things.
It's all about cutting costs to the bone. But they can do better-how about firing Bob and Bucky, and let the weatherman do the weather and the talk show? That would work wouldnt it?
How about an all pre-recorded station, just play some speeches of Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding, and some old Village People tapes. Thats probably next from these clowns.
I think that Bucky & Bob wouldn't be bad _if_ they also had a morning sports show on 1300am. I would rather listen to Bucky & Bob over Sammy & Bob.
This region will never be able to draw decent on air talent. I enjoyed listening to B and E every morning for about 4 years but their show was average compared to the many that I've listened to over the years. Bob and Bucky aren't the greatest but the show is not that bad. I don't hear the misery from Bucky that everyone is talking about and I have listened every minute since they started. Mike and Mike sounds so scripted and is an *** whipping for me to listen to. The other morning shows in town don't fit my demographic. That leaves me with one choice. They don't talk enough sports, but that is to be expected this time of year.

No disrespect to the hardest working man in town in Craig Way, but talk show personality he is not. AJ's delivery is the worst and Dee's updates have my head spinning with confusion.

1530 has really made a great move but the only one I can tolerate for any amount of time is Cowherd. The local shows don't really do it for me yet, I need to listen a few more times to get a really good feel. I have a feeling they won't be all that great.
Bucky and Bob? Are you kidding me?

B&E was the best morning show in the nation. Bucky on his own was still one of the best.

I like listening to Craig Way as well.

Bob and Bucky is crap.
Don't worry about it. Given the direction of modern broadcasting this will someday be viewed as "back when radio was really good!"
i'll continue listening to 98.1 KVET morning show like i have for the past 10 or so years. still love bob, miss sam's antics, and enjoy bucky.

i'm not easily pleased, i'm just not a grouch either. life is easier when you don't demand perfection.... unless we're talking no sex at all.
do they ever even conduct a show?

almost everytime i switch it on to give it another shot, it's either a commercial, news, traffic, or weather.

or music. there was music on yesterday.
If I wanted to listen to non-sports talk sprinkled between commercials, news, weather and traffic on a shitkicker radio station, I would tune into KVET FM.
I find it funny that the "Longhorn station", the one that plays sports talk all day, doesn't have a sports show on during drive time in the mornings.

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