bottled water ranking/preference?

Hmm, the only place that I have bought water is in China. Ok, maybe about three times in eight years at work when I wanted a bottle to refill with tap water.

Why buy water?
I tried Fiji today for the first time.. and while it tasted fine I wasn't really impressed... It just tasted like ummm water?
Fresh Paluxy Aquafir water, pumped 300' up to my house...

It's go-oo-od....and, other than the electricity to run the well pump, it's FREE...
bottled water is a waste of money and resources.

that is probably the greenest statement i have ever made
Perrier goes very well with Makers.

We use a Brita filter for drinking and cooking.

My favorite water was the tap water at my Grandma's house in Santa Anna. I doubt anyone there ever had anemia. The stuff has so much iron I once (age 9) played with a magnet in the bathtub to see if something in the water would stick. Ice cold from the glass bottle in her icebox it was the best ever for a thirst.

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