Boston Marathon bomb Suspects

When you have an easy case, you keep it simple. Charge him with murder and whatever else is easy to prove in civilian court. Then you give him the death penalty. Problem solved. No need to think outside the box on potentially harder to prove charges. You can only give him the death penalty once.
The distinction I've heard which I think makes the most sense is that enemy comabatnt status is designed to keep from disclosing intelligence sources to defense attorneys. If this were a situation where agents would be exposed or some other intelligence asset would be brought out in open court or shared with defense, then I would say he should be tried as a combatant.

In this case, it seems like none of those things were needed. He was caught using policework and resources that lead me to think he should simply be tried as a criminal. If we didn't require extraordinary means to apprehend him, then we ought to be able to try and convict him as such.
motivated by RELIGION!
Yep sure is the "religiion" of peace
It is, but not to this guy. He or other fringe lunatics. The Christians have some too. There is fringe in all. The big question is how the others in a religion will react or respond. Either like forgiving, understanding intellectuals or infantile angry children wrapped in hate.

I find some Christians to be real good at the angry and hate. Well, not on Sunday, Christmas or Easter. What type of Christian are you, whoever would claim to be one? One in control of your emotions or one who gets angry real quick, the way your savior would not.

I think a good question for anybody of any faith or devotion to ask themselves each and every day/night is, "What kind of xxxxxxxx am I, really? Have I done all I can to be xxxxxxxxx?".

I don't think many would because they won't like the truth. I am devoid of religion but respect those who are true to their faith and live it to the best they can, truly. I find I don't respect many in that capacity, sadly. The world would be a much better place.

It would start with you, then you, then you...

This angry bs, it's tedious and tiresome. Now, if you are atheist, have at it.
I also find the over the top angry Christians annoying. However, they tend to stop with annoyances and attempting to pass laws that I sometimes disagree with. I wish I could say the same for the more extreme Muslims.
Some do. Not the ones who fire bomb clinics, kill doctors, drag people behind cars due to skin color, attack gays on the streets, or a host of other things. All in the name of god or from their fear or insecurities. Is it as published or rampant as an attack like this? I don't know.

But I am pretty sure that members of the KKK would state vehemently they are Christian. The people that let poison gas in the subways of Tokyo awhile back claimed to be Buddhist.

The very second, imho, a person straps a bomb on their person or makes a bomb to kill people, they stop being Muslim. Merely conceive the idea of poison gas in a subway, you ceased being Buddhist if you ever were. And any of the above remaining examples...yeah, you stopped being Christian too, in my opinion for what it matters.

Those people don't represent their supposed faith. They represent their own fears, short comings and dickishness. It's sad they take people with them on their way out the door.

Anybody that says that Islam needs to reform or modernize needs to look at just about any religion/faith. They all do if any do. Conflict in the name of one's god predates written record and is as ingrained in our existence, seemingly, as breathing or eating. We just cannot get past it.

To me, it's a numbers issue. Kkk types are complete ******** but I would be willing to bet there are more people killed in jihad terrorist attacks last week than the klan has killed in the last 100 years. We can count the number of Buddhist attacks on one hand whereas I can count six Muslim terrorist attacks in the last four days.

I say this as somebody that knows about 15 Muslims and likes all of them. They are all great people and deserve to be treated based on their individual actions. Muslim kids are a dream come true for teachers. But, lets not ignore the huge amount of people killing in the name of Islam or try to say that other religions have similar problems. Muslim terrorist attacks have become so common across the globe that a tiny fraction are even reported here. Did you hear about the Pakistani Muslim lady that blew herself up outside of a hospital killing
4 two days ago? What about the Thai lady killed in the streets by Muslims yesterday? We have almost become numb to the amount of carnage created daily in the name of Islam.
Good points and valid. I agree. While those numbers may be greater it is still a minutia if you consider how many millions upon millions are Muslim in the world and how few are capable of doing these atrocities. It's bewilderingly low.

On a tangent I draw focus to the horrific shootings that have taken place not just here but around the world. People tend to know or recognize the names of the culprits, the sick ones who commit these heinous acts. We, as a society, cling to new reports, Court TV proceedings, what the guy with orange hair said or did. We go into their profiles, family life, interviews with neighbors.

But can those same people name the guy who stopped the movie shooting a couple days after the Colorado one? Or the people that have stopped shootings at malls, stores, schools and work places? No, it's not sensational enough.

I have to wonder if some of the same is going on with the Muslim news. It hits really fast and big. Yes, there is more but I wonder what we conveniently let fly under the radar.

I am personally appalled by the atrocities committed by Priests and I truly wish there would be a boycott of some sort to the Catholic Church until they take such a harsh stance it would all but stamp it out. Hit them where it matters most, their money intake, their support. Until then, the world's largest property owners will carry on, halfway dealing with the problem if that.

If people within their own religions starting making it accountable for its apathy, I optimistically think change would occur.

I too know many Muslims and consider many to be friends. They are very peaceful people and I am lucky to have them in my life. I dislike way more Christians or supposed Christians than Muslims. But, I live here and the comparable numbers are not fair.
I'm at a loss to explain the continual effort to put Islam and Christianity on the same level by so many. The laundry list of foiled and successful terror attacks by Muslims who were acting as a direct result of their faith dwarfs any list from every other religion combined.

Even if you throw in "Christians" whose terror act had nothing to do with their religion along with people like the guy from Norway (or wherever he was from) who called himself a social Christian with no real relationship to God but rather a devotion to the European culture, it's still not close.

I can only figure it's either:
- a genuine belief that Christians are ticking time bombs and even if they haven't actually started a violent movement, it's clearly coming. That one seems the ,past evident in the media and the far left, and even the army and DOJ have been on board with labeling Christianity as a potential threat.
- a belief that these alleged religious zealot attacks by Christians are really happening at the same or similar levels to Islamic attacks - which again, is not hard to understand consider ing every single terrorist event ithe last 10 years has started with conjecture that "this looks like the work of an anti-government, far right conservative group" which as we all know are usually Christian in affiliation. Never mind those theories conti he to be shown false.
- a general contempt for Christians. Hey, like 100p said, they're hypocrites anyway, so why not label them murderers, too? Nobody's going to call you out on it because S long as you clarify that it's "fundamentalists" that you despise, most people will pile right on with you. And all the Muslims I know R great guys, so they're OK. Of course not a incident of mass murder goes on when someone doesn't step up and say "he seemed normal and nice to me!" So I'm not sure why that argument only seems to hold for the groups that are most likely to produce terrorists.
- a staggeringly naive view of the world. Having talked to people who have lived, worked and taut the gospel in Muslim lands, I can assure you that the Muslims you know and like here are not representative of the ones who grow up in or cultures. For the most part, Muslims who grow up in America are already steeped in a culture of relative tolerance. They are not the majority and as such have never lived in a society where Islam is given free reign. Their band of Islam is very similar to many Americans' brand of Christianity: watered down, convenient and assimilated into mainstream culture. That is not how Muslim kids are raised in Muslim countries. This idea that we need to ignore the idea that radical Islam is a threat just because Mohammed down the road is a great guy makes no sense. He has nothing to do with the threat, he's not part of the problem.

The reality is that a large percent of the Muslim world approved of 9-11 and believe terrorist acts are excusable in some or all instances. Being PC doesn't change that, and comments like "we'll Christians are just as bad" are not only counterproductive, but also grossly unfair and hurtful.
update - Woman's DNA found on bomb???

Is anyone thinking what I am? - It may just be the clerk who sold them the pressure cooker at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
AND we now learn these ' tolerant peace living muslims received 100k of public assistance from Us.
That seems like a pretty flawed system

How much will we have to pay his lawyer?
The story of the wife is crazy - apparently nice, well adjusted, attractive girl, meets scumbag boxer boyfriend who cheats on her, beats up another woman and in the process I guess he just hit all the right cords because they got married. She then converts to Islam, he terrorizes her, forces her to work 18-hour days while he does whatever he does. And she claims to have no knowledge of any of his activities.

Now, I don't know what the significance of DNA is on the bomb - as far as I know, it's not like a fingerprint from the standpoint that if you just touch it, it leaves DNA behind, does it? It's not out of the realm that if he bought a pressure cooker (or more likely he had HER buy it), she'd obviously handle it, maybe even use it for all we know. I don't know what you have to do to one to leave DNA on it.

Having said that, she sounds like classic battered wife - and that means that if she thought the husband would look on her more favorably (or at least not get angry with her), she would absolutely help with the bombing. So more and more I'm thinking she may have been involved in this.

Regardless, it's a really sad story and testament to some women's absolutely appalling decision-making skills.

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