Boston Marathon bomb Suspects

But then again, maybe not so well adjusted....“I don’t have a single American friend, I don’t understand them,” the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed in a shootout with police hours after the pair was identified as suspects, told a photographer in 2009.

The father made threats against the entire US: Anzor Tsarnaev called on his son to surrender peacefully, but reportedly warned the United States that “all hell will break loose” if he’ll killed.
situations like this remind me that I am in favor of the death penalty and I am in favor of torture under special circumstances. This cowardly piece of human trash is a special circumstance.
I thought it was going to be some Amish or Quakers for sure.

Obama is preparing legislation to regulate pressure cookers. I am going to the Sheriff's office in Corpus to register both of mine.
Didnt they go back for 6 months recently? Also, didnt the dad go back for medical treatment? Could he really not find medical treatment in BOSTON? Something is strange with the parents.
To your point a former CIA guy said people like the 2 bombers are trained and coached to ' fit in".
so we really might not know how long they had been radicalized.
The CIA guy also reminded us Russia told us in 2000 that the islamist chechens would come to USA and attack us too.
Or these 2 could just be plain old islamists who hate the West.
Where did these guys get guns and grenades to fight back at the police with? How did they kill an officer if they were surrounded in a neighborhood, and how the hell did a 19yo kid somehow escape after said fire fight and is still at large with the entire city under lockdown?

This kid isnt a ninja.
Sounds like they just got him ALIVE. Now waterboard that SOB so we can find all his buddies and shut them down too.

Of course Roger wouldn't want us to do anything that would actually allow to get usefull information so we could make sure this never happens again.

I also heard in an intterview on CNN with Michael McCaul that the FBI had questioned the older brother a year ago because of suspected terroristic activities....if that is true they are just as bad/worthless as "Homeland Security"
Our constitution forbids giving this cruel actor what he deserves. It's a shame this guy will live the rest of his life with intact fingers, knees, eyes and testicles.
We need to start profiling, and stop letting these wack jobs into our country.

This kid is not a US citizen and should be treated like the scum he is, the constitution does not apply to a non US citizen and I'm all for using whatever means necessary to get information from this nutjob....who is a jihadist from the "religon of peace...Islam"
I guess he decided not to go deflower his 70 virgins at this point.

I think Shepherd Smith actually just asked a cop if he was Miranda-ized!! Holy crap!
Apparently, and I have no knowledge of the law, if they Miranda-ize him, they can't hold him as an ememy combatant. His Miranda rights tell him to not speak and incriminate himself. If he's going to be treated as a criminal, which is reportedly where Obama administration is headed, they Miranda-ize them and then they can lawyer up. Enemy combantants have no rights and can be coerced, by any legal means, into giving info which may be incriminating.

I take back my derision directed at Shepherd Smith. It was a very pertinent question.
Whether or not he's treated as an enemy combatant will be an interesting decision.

He's a US citizen. So my first inclination would be that he should be treated as such and be given a regular trial with all the standards of evidence and guilt that US citizens receive. I'm sure the ACLU will be screaming from the top of their lungs for this. This would be the Timothy McVeigh scenario.

However, if the investigation shows there are connections (most specifically aid and training) to a foreign terrorist organization, say Chechen jihadist organizations, than there is a really good argument to consider them foreign combatants.

To give you an example, if you watch the excellent show The Americans, the married couple in the show are US citizens...but they are KGB sleeper agents who are murdering people and bombing things, they're not REALLY US citizens. If they are caught on the show, they would probably be treated not as US citizens, and not as POWs protected by the Geneva convention, but as spies.

A major difference between the spies on The Americans
and the Boston Marathon bombers, are that the TV characters are technically illegal aliens. This Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a naturalized US citizen. If I were the government though, depending on the timing of his radicalization, I would argue that his naturalization last year was under false pretense, that he was taking the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to "Support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," with the knowledge that he was an agent of violent jihad against the US.

Either way, it won't end well for him.
I don't think he is a us citizen. He holds a green card, I think. This authorizes him to live and work in the us. A green card holder can apply for naturalization after 5 years.
His older brother, the dead one, was on a green card. The older one applied for citizenship, but his application was delayed indefinitely because of the FBI investigation into his connections with Islamic extremist groups in 2011 (tipped off by Russian Intelligence).

This younger brother was ironically naturalized on September 11, 2012.
Ok this would be funny if it weren't so pathetic
from PoliticoThe Link
Report: Suspects not licensed for guns

Funny this comes from a left leaning site. You'd think it should come from the NRA etc but obviously they can see what is important and relevant
and the fact that these terrorists didn't have legal guns don't mean chit

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