
hard to decide who is the worst liar
Hillary, Carney, Biden ,Rice ( I guess we can call her an inadvertent liar) many others at State and a whole host of IRS people including Lois Lerner
How nice to know the Obama admin is so afraid of conservatives they would resort to Stalin like tactics
and maybe even target Jewish organizations.

supporters? When BO said he was going to change America is this what you envisioned?
Well it's been tough to get much truth from major news organizations, as several have (or have had) direct ties to top positions in the Executive Branch.


In reply to:

WTF is BO thinking? and who are the people around him who think the lies are ok
Now AP AP is accusing BO etc
"Exactly ten days ago, President Barack Obama was piously telling reporters who cover him that free speech and an independent press are “essential pillars of our democracy.” On Monday, the Associated Press accused his administration of undermining that very pillar by secretly obtaining two months’ worth of telephone records of AP reporters and editors.

“We regard this action by the Department of Justice as a serious interference with AP’s constitutional rights to gather and report the news,” AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder."The Link

anyone want to defend this?

BO needs to go as do most of his group
AP was one of his biggest defenders

He is crazy and needs to step down but there are many who need to go with him
Like I said on another thread, he is going to make Richard Nixon look like an amateur in corruption. And we may have only scratched the surface.
with all his lies, corruption and nefarious conduct in direct violation of his oath of office, doesn't it make you wonder once again what is in his college records that he continues to hide. We know he has no problem lying and doing underhanded things to achieve the objectives of his deranged ideology. we know he is completely untrustworthy and his words mean nothing. wonder what he is hiding, and make no mistake he is hiding something.
So the DOJ, with no oversight from anyone. no warrant from a judge can 'spy" on anyone or any company?

Well see I did not know that> I thought that kind of investigation had to have been brought before a judge.
A warrant from a judge is required for a search, 6271.

A warrant is NOT required to subpoena phone records.

Not surprised you didn't know this or that you didn't let it stop you from going off on a witch hunt.
I do not know so I am asking
Just knowing what we know you are saying here is nothing wrong with what the DOJ did regarding the AP?
How anyone can defend these clowns is amazing. The pres and his cohorts are intoxicated by power and they thought and rightfully so that most of the press had their back. The stonewalling and half truths have caught up with them. Now they pay the piper and the ability to pass more social programs is lost unless the repubs agree. Three more years without more government intrusion in our lives would be welcome.
From what I can understand, these were pin registers. Look it up on google. All they require is the AUSA to agree to them since they are not considered a "search". Just like a grand jury subpoena for records can issued by an AUSA. It doesn't require a warrant from a judge. I'm as conservative as it comes, but this is just normal investigative business if the activity is suspected. I'm in that type of occupation. It's only being highlighted because of who the people are that are being targeted, i.e. journalist.

My observation is that this is being put out there to deflect from the Benghazi issue and possibly from the IRS issue. This is just too suspect that this is all coming out now. I think the administration and its supporters are trying to cause all kinds of confusion to deflect from anything real.

It's really sad that its come to this, either way.
I did not call BO etc a LIAR for the AP probe.
I did ask if they needed to get a judge's ok.
Since both parties are calling for more information on what the DOJ did and there are questions about the fact that the DOJ did this without making it known to the AP beforehand which is how the policy is written>
Interestingly Harry Reid is particularly angry

I am guessing we all will find out of in fact the leak put national security at risk.

The kist and depth of the lies BO etc have told on Benghazi and on IRS targeting conservative groups continues to grow.
Since the list of groups the IRS targeted has frown to the hundreds and the words used to target has grown I would not be surprised to see a Libertarian group on the list.

BYW there have been and will continue to be many posts on the spending and the debt.
You advised me. "Your beef is with congress, 6271, not the DOJ which operated within the rules that Congress established."
I'd appreciate it if you'd read this letter from the " Media Coalition" to Holder which outlines the guidelines for the DOJ to subpoena press phone records.

Of course it will have a media slant but after you read it can you still say the DOJ acted within the proscribed guidelines and that there doesn't need to be an investigation?
The Link

Note particularly Section 50.10(e

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