BO tries to silence Wright?


" Has Obama systematically gone through all the consultants with federal contracts and made sure thhe contributed to his reelection campaign?"

You mean like this announcement, from 4 days ago?
"The Department of Health and Human Services last week announced it had awarded a $5.9 million grant to a University of Chicago Medical Center program tied to Michelle Obama and run by Eric Whitaker, one of President Obama’s closest friends.?The Link

What do you think about BO and his minions first trying to bribe Wright and then BO personally trying to silence him?

If it is NOT true why has no one involved or their spokespeople denounced it?

and why has MSM not bothered to report this story. surely it is as relevant as a story about a HS event from 47 years ago

You sound just like Romney when asked about that alleged HS event 47 years ago that every single MSM outlet covered.

Romney , like you, wondered if there weren't more important things to cover.
So BI?
do you not wonder why MSM won't cover something like this attempt from a thenPOTUS candidate to silence a mentor of 10 years when they devoted so much to something 47 years ago?

I mean being libertarian and not a BO supporter and all don't you want equal scrutiny by MSM?
This gets better with each wingnut so called "revelation":

Over the weekend, one of the many shocking allegations to come from Edward Klein’s controversial new book on Obama was the story that someone from the Obama camp tried to pay Rev. Jeremiah Wright — Obama’s controversial former pastor — $150k to keep quiet until after the 2008 election. Wright rejected the hush money. But we never knew who allegedly tried to pay Wright off.

Until now.

In an interview with Sean Hannity on Monday, Klein revealed the identity of his money middle man — and he’s a doctor from Chicago.

“What happened is that after ABC’s Brian Ross broadcast the audiotapes –videotapes of the Rev. Wright God damning America and slamming whites and slamming Jews and America, he was contacted by one of Obama’s closest personal friends, a guy who travels on Obama’s plane, who plays basketball with him, who goes on vacations with him,” Klein told Hannity during Hannity’s radio show.

“I didn’t name him in the book, but I can tell you who he is. His name is Dr. Eric Whitaker. Dr. Whitaker is the vice president of the University of Chicago Medical Center and he’s a member of Obama’s very tight inner-circle. And he sent an email to a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ,” Klein said....

....“Chicago politics is one hand feeds the other, as you know. And Eric Whitaker, a very close friend of the Obamas, sent an email to a member of the church saying that the Rev. Wright could get a $150,000 if he would shut up and not criticize Obama anymore,” Klein explained.

Wright rejected the offer, which Klein says prompted a secret visit from Obama just 10 days after he gave his famous race speech.

Klein, who has come under fire by the White House (a spokesman has called him a “liar), told Hannity he’s confident in his facts.

If the BHO Mafia wanted to conceal its skullduggery, why would they create a very explicit email trail (that the wingnuts have not yet produced)?
The Link
(that the wingnuts have not yet produced)?

Who from BO's camp or even Wright has denied it?
That should be an easy thing for Wright to do
just say he never said any of that ( even though Keline has it on tape)
Or that should be even easier for Bo and his minions to deny. well except there are SS recrods of BO visting wright at the church exactly as Klein said Wright told him.
Visitng Wright AFTER Bo deniunced him..
You spend so much time trying to show show this is only a right wing lie

and yet no one WHO should know has said it is not true

What is your next deflection/
Did you miss the lesson on tobyfication? Wright sees himself as having been objectified enough and is not going to help Klein sell books to people like you.
I cannot wait to see what Eric Holder's thorough investigation uncovers. Since he's not investigating fast and furious or the 2008 election intimidation cases, he shouldn't be too busy unless he's tied up with bstructing congress.
really and yet Wright let Klein TAPE the entire interview. I guess you think Wright didn't know it would all be in a book.
You are too funny
but keep trying to deflect
"To this day it troubles me. What a senseless, stupid, idiotic thing to do." -- Thomas Buford, who witnessed a Romney-led attack on a gay teenager

"It was vicious."
-- Philip Maxwell, another witness

"It was horrible. It's something I have thought about a lot since then."
-- John Lauber, the student who was attacked

"You know, I don't, I don't remember that particular incident."
-- Mitt Romney

do you have a link for all those sources?

and BTW
You never answered if You think this wright? BO story should get the same coversge by MSM as this 47 y o sotry??

Funny how you didn't seem to think this incident was important compared to the increase in debt during the time of the thread

BUT you can post names and quotes( with NO link ) about a 47 year old story on someone who is not even the POTUS>

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