BO insults Putin

I have only seen Hillary and BO say world leaders are against Trump.
Did I miss when Trump or GOP party members ( were these known party members?) celebrated support from Putin or NK
Do you have a link so I can catch up
I have only seen Hillary and BO say world leaders are against Trump.

I've heard several world leaders express dismay or fear of a Trump presidency. It's not just something Hillary and Obama are saying. However, what Hillary and Obama don't say is that most world leaders blunt their criticisms a bit by acknowledging that they'll do their best to work with Trump as they would with any other US president.

Frankly, Trump's nutty and scattered foreign policy is the biggest inhibitor to me voting for him.
Frankly, Trump's nutty and scattered foreign policy is the biggest inhibitor to me voting for him.
That's my biggest fear about Trump as well. He comes across as intellectually lazy and unstable on foreign policy issues. I am being hypocritical here because I am also intellectually lazy on foreign policy issues, but I am not running for President.

I have two competing fears about this election - Trump's lack of knowledge on foreign policy versus Hillary stacking the SCOTUS with liberals for the next generation. I am sure that I will not vote for Hillary but the fear of losing the SCOTUS for the next generation may be enough to get me to vote for Trump. Not that it matters, I live in Texas where Trump will win anyways.
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Hillary stacking the SCOTUS with liberals for the next generation. I am sure that I will not vote for Hillary but the fear of losing the SCOTUS for the next generation may be enough to get me to vote for Trump.

And this is what gives me conflict in this election - far more than I've ever had, at least at the presidential level. Hillary's Supreme Court appointments will be staunch liberals, as every Democratic president's appointments have been for the last 50 years. I don't know that she'll get to appoint 3 or more justices as some suggest, but she will appoint at least one to replace Scalia, unless the Senate confirms Merrick Garland after the election. That'll be enough to swing the Court to the left. To me, that's a travesty, not just because I'll disagree with the results of their rulings. Fair-minded people can disagree on any number of things. My big problem with liberal jurisprudence is how judges reach the rulings they do. It is an abomination to the very concept of what written law is and what a judge's job is. They truly don't think they are bound by the actual words written in the law. They would of course disagree, but as soon as they find the weakest ambiguity they find (and anyone can find one in any law), the text is out the window, and their political agenda takes over. When we're talking about judges who have life tenure and whose power and rulings are de facto unchecked, that's dangerous and scary.
I have only seen Hillary and BO say world leaders are against Trump.
Did I miss when Trump or GOP party members ( were these known party members?) celebrated support from Putin or NK
Do you have a link so I can catch up

Come are claiming you didn't hear Trump embrace Putin during this election cycle? If so, Brietbart is more biased than I could have guessed.

Here is a link:

How many hits did you get? ;)

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