BO Admin reject Keystone Pipeline

B.I., perhaps we should cease living and conducting commerce. I challenge you to name a significant recent pipeline spill in the U.S. Transporting oil is significantly different than drilling wells.

By the way, I am sorry about your cousin. Cancer is a *****.
That entire post is so insanely moronic - literally every failed point you attempted to make - that I'll let this simple sentence be my only remark.
If the sole interest was in creating jobs- and the GOP is upset about this, why wouldn't they have as strongly supported more infrastructure bills that would improve transportation, airports, bridges, schools, sewage etc that have been proposed all day long by some Dems and a minority of GOP reps?

I'm not violently opposed to a pipeline, however it's silly that there's an outcry over 3-4,000 temporary jobs as the link from BI above shows, from an industry that supports the GOP, but no outcry from a more fragmented industry (construction, engineering etc) that all the other infrastructure projects didn't have.

Secondly- as has been noted, this is not making a huge dent towards reducing dependence on foreign oil if the pipeline takes it to Texas City so it can be refined and shipped.

Lastly- I remember when our intelligent friend Rick Perry wanted to basically commandeer land to make his Texas corridor people went nuts- so, I think the scenario is similar for farmers in Nebraska.

This pipeline would not be a horrible thing if it was given the same level of priority as thousands of other shovel ready projects that don't have huge industries backing it, had the approval of most local authorities, and complete environmental studies that were satisfactory.
They need to get the Nebraska aquifer thing under control and not just use that as an excuse to scuttle the deal. If the O-man is rejecting this deal on political grounds he's going to come out on the losing end.
Oh well, Barry is doing his best to keep oil prices sky high, which overall is good for Texas.

But hey, at least the panacea of "green jobs" can continue and we can continue to throw tax money at it. We can always print more as Obama I'm sure will begin doing today.
Don't we currently have piplines carrying oil and operating is USA NOW?
isn't there one coming down from Canada to OK in operation nOW?
Yes indeed, the industry that Obama has tried so hard to kill may in fact save his presidency.

Keep those oil prices high, Barry!
BO has yet to explain what his concern is and since we currently have opertaional pipelines running from Canada through most the same state including NE I am not sure how much more research Bo can pretend is needed.
the government of NE hasked for and got an alternate route and approved that route. We have had pipelines operational on USA for years.
Why is BO going against the will of the people from both parties, all the states involved and even his own unions?

I hope the estimated 1 million union construction workers out of work pay attention to this.

I know BO wants higher gas prices at the pump and he is getting them but to screw so many people for political purposes is sick
What was politically unselfish? the part of his base for this pipeline were the unions and he is sure of their job no matter what.

here is a link to a map of ALL current pipelines in operation today. some have been in operation since the 50's

What other research could the bozo need?The Link

and here is a listThe Link
Unselfish in the sense that he is willing to hurt his reelection chances in this decision. He certainly would fare better with a higher jobs number and lower gas prices.
I understand your meaning. The question is will he lose more union members than he would gain in environmentalists. I suggest he thinks he won't.
This decision, taken with all the facts about pipelines, and this particular pipeline that has been researched for over 3 years, looks purely pandering political.

When you look at the huge number of pipelines currently in operation including a TransCanada pipeline currently operating in the same states as XL the reason for BO's decision looks pretty clear
If he approved it his environmentalist base would be pissed off enough to cool their support for him come November. The positive effects of the approval are not likely to be realized for a few years. This is why he has to push it back at least until he is a lame duck whether it is the right thing to do or not. The key is EVERY decision he makes is 100% political, like when he disregards his generals' advice regarding the wars.

U.S. Gasoline production is up 0.9 percent over last year.
Bevo, I wish it were that simple to equate an increase with US production with lower crude/gasoline/distillate prices. However, we all know there are a number of variables that you have to add to the stewpot to arrive at prices at the pump.

Also, U.S. crude production is up, largely due to recent technological advances and discoveries in the Bakken, EagleFord and Marcellus plays, not because of a change in the White House.
The question has been asked of me...How did BO lie? Let's see, flatly saying that he did not have enough time to make a decision. He has had three years, the plan was re-routed and approved by government agencies with far less resources. The Federal government agency, State Department, says not enough time to do a proper study. That is an outright lie. No if's and or but's about it, it is a LIE!

If the State Department cannot make a ruling or judgement like this in three then we need to look at the President's policies and procedures on how decisions are made in his Federal government. Not very efficient.

He either lied or his government is inept and shouldn't be in a position to evaluate and make these type of decisions.

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