BO actually said

in reply to

NJ.......I never hear any "moderate muslims" speak up to condemn Islamic atrocities. Are there really any of them"? I don't think you can find enough of them to field a basketball team. If they do exist, they are most certainly cowards as they keep silent.


NJ -- Once again Dillohorn has proven that it's impossible to win an arguement when your opponent is unencumberd by facts or logic.
Once again Crockett shows that dems/libs live in denial. Must be a comfortable place to live when trying to defend the indefensible.
Dillohorn: Do you think maybe you should be willing to take in some information that hasn't been filtered by FOX news?

Are Muslims causing problems in the world? Yeah, I don't deny that or that there are dangerous, extremist Muslim factions causing us problem in the world, oppressing women, killing innocents and working against Western values.

The fact is there are millions of moderate Muslims in Turkey alone that are friendly to the United States and Americans who visit. The fact that you've never heard them or heard of them is your fault, not theirs.
Crockett.......Why don't you try watching Fox News? You might see the truth for a change. You'll also see a bunch of your dems/libs news contributors on it giving both sides of all stories.
I watch Fox some, but I find the bias is story selection and story telling irritating as all hell. Plus you are a regular watcher of Fox new and you deny the existence of moderate Muslims, people with whom I've worked as colleagues, shared meals and gone for treatment of previously- undiagnosed Lyme Disease that had left me weakened for months.

The fact that someone so willfully ignorant as you likes Fox News isn't the kind of endorsement that's going to get me interested in it as a news source.

By the way, in your Fox News world is their any ackowledgement of the existence of Malala Yousafzia, the Pakistani teen shot by Taliban who boarded her school bus because she had the nerve to advocate education for women. She and her father are moderate Muslims who wrote a book and toured the US and Britain. Since they, as moderate Muslims who have courageously risked their lives, belong to a group whose existence you deny, I have to assume you've never heard of these very important persons in World News. If you're a regular Fox News watcher and never heard of them, it's really discrediting to your preferred source of news.

Here is a pretty unbiased Wikipedia Link to broaden your horizons.The Link are the selective memory ignorant there. I've said it before that you can't argue with a dem/lib. Thanks for proving my point once again. P.S. I'm amazed that you know my news network watching habits. Spin on brother. Don't let the truth or facts hit you on the rear on your way out.
So what facts am I ignoring? Link me to a logical, well-sourced article that says that there are only a handful of moderate, courageous Muslims in the entire world and I'll apologize.

I assume you watch Fox news because you endorsed it on this thread and others previously.

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