Black Lives Matter; The Cerebral Warlords of Our Time

On being "racially profiled" Yes of course it happens.
But does it happen as often as claimed?
If you have the preconceived idea it will happen you can believe it happened when it did not
or you can construe situations as being profiled when it fact it had nothing to do with race.

For instance many black people say they are followed in retail stores because they are black.
I am definitely not black and I have been followed in retail stores. Was it because I was white? or was it because I looked "shifty" OR because they had nothing else to do at the moment?
Everything is not about race but with unfortunately many black people have been indoctrinated to see things through that lens.
I'm a 59 year old half-Cuban who looks all white. To my knowledge I've never been racially profiled. I've never thought I was being followed or watched by anyone while minding my own business.
Sometimes people will also talk **** at Metal shows, thats kinda expected since a lot are drunk anyway. Your more likely to get sideswiped by a ***** hanging on the perimeter of the pit than someone talking **** to you. At a Metal show, if you talk **** to someone you are likely to get punched in the face. If you dont talk **** and just having fun and fall in the pit anyone around you will help pick you back up if only to have the opportunity to knock you down again.

Do you go to a lot of metal shows? Just being honest here, but I never thought I'd hear or read about metal shows and racial profiling in the same paragraph.
Like Bystander, I have co-workers who are urbane, talented, likable and black. When they say they have been racially profiled, I take them at their word. It would seem crazy to me to believe I had superior knowledge to their own personal experience.
Do you go to a lot of metal shows? Just being honest here, but I never thought I'd hear or read about metal shows and racial profiling in the same paragraph.

I go to a ton of metal shows, saw cradle of filth about a week ago. In large crowds with people drinking n stuff they get embolden. There are more rednecks that follow particular groups like Pantera ( dime bag Darrell like to carry confederate flag) or Lamb of God ( They have a song titled "Redneck"). Some of them dont give a crap if your white or black or asian and want to destroy you in the pit. Others, the real *******, kick back right outside the pit and target you while your moshing in the pit. They will try to sideswipe you and put you on your ***. I have had this happen quite a few times, I do expect it. After getting my *** knocked down I get picked back up by other random people and continue to mosh. I do kind of know who messed with me and try to get some type of revenge. Other times after I get picked up I just turn around and punch the dude in the face, no one really gives a rats *** in the pit.

I can care less if there are a bunch of Rednecks at a show that I want to go to. I have been harassed and "jumped" by small groups, its a bit rare though. Most of the action happens in the pit, I already know if I dont like it or cant handle it I should get the F out.
Like Bystander, I have co-workers who are urbane, talented, likable and black. When they say they have been racially profiled, I take them at their word. It would seem crazy to me to believe I had superior knowledge to their own personal experience.

The only other response is to somehow to believe the entire black community has decided to make things up for political benefit.

My friend from Canada does have a slightly different perspective (as another friend of mine from Liberia) having not grown up with the American experience so they may not have the emotional impact as one who was born and bred here. He told me he felt a little different when he was at Florida A&M because of this. There was more aggression about civil rights than he felt on the inside. It was just an observation. And by aggression, I don't mean to paint it in a negative light; it only meant it was an active force in the lives of his peers at school.
I go to a ton of metal shows, saw cradle of filth about a week ago. In large crowds with people drinking n stuff they get embolden. There are more rednecks that follow particular groups like Pantera ( dime bag Darrell like to carry confederate flag) or Lamb of God ( They have a song titled "Redneck"). Some of them dont give a crap if your white or black or asian and want to destroy you in the pit. Others, the real *******, kick back right outside the pit and target you while your moshing in the pit. They will try to sideswipe you and put you on your ***. I have had this happen quite a few times, I do expect it. After getting my *** knocked down I get picked back up by other random people and continue to mosh. I do kind of know who messed with me and try to get some type of revenge. Other times after I get picked up I just turn around and punch the dude in the face, no one really gives a rats *** in the pit.

I can care less if there are a bunch of Rednecks at a show that I want to go to. I have been harassed and "jumped" by small groups, its a bit rare though. Most of the action happens in the pit, I already know if I dont like it or cant handle it I should get the F out.

That's cool. I just don't hear about black dudes getting into metal or going to metal shows anymore. It doesn't fit the stereotype. That didn't used to be true. When I was a kid in the '80s and early '90s plenty of black guys I knew liked metal. They may have also listened to rap, but there was nothing unusual about them listening to metal. I'm not sure when or why that at least seems to have changed. It's like music is more segregated now than it was in the '70s. By the way, those stereotypes are dumb, and we should approach music and all kinds of art as distinct individuals. If you like metal, you should go to metal shows and act as crazy as the rednecks do.

What does concern me is the pit. If people are getting beaten up in the pit, why does anyone (white or black) go in the pit? Is everyone just too drunk to feel the pain?
Back in 1976 our senior class went to Six Flags for our senior trip (school bus ride from Laredo to Arlington). We were treated to a concert by our teachers. Guess who played? Kool and the Gang ("Hollywood Swinging" days), Eddie Kendrick of The Temptations and a few other all black bands. There were probably around 10,000 people at the show and it seemed like we were the only white people there. There were about 60 of us. I will admit we were buzzing a bit about the racial make-up of the show but it went great. No hassles. No comments. No angry stares. Not even in the bathroom. It was a great experience for a 17 year old kid.
About a decade ago I was invited by a friend to a cooking class, New Orleans style. The invite came from the only person I knew there. About 20 people in the gathering and my wife and I were the only white folks. Everybody was completely comfortable and we all had a great time. But honestly, if I had been the only white person at a party in 1976, I'm not sure I would have been so comfortable. Maybe growing up in a small town, there may have been more of a class divide than a race divide. There weren't a lot of black kids in my neighborhood or taking the college prep curriculum.

Everybody at the party was from roughly my social class.
On being "racially profiled" Yes of course it happens.
But does it happen as often as claimed?


Everything is not about race but with unfortunately many black people have been indoctrinated to see things through that lens.

Just went through this on a neighborhood-oriented message board the past few days. It is an area recently annexed by the City of Conroe. As a result, lots more Conroe PD in the area where we used to just see DPS and MoCo sheriff's deputies. There is an increase in the pulling people over for a 'stop and talk' as they get to know people in the area. But there are certain people that would have you believe it was ONLY persons of color being pulled over. And the reality is that this simply is NOT the case...yet even after older white females (like me) point out that we are ALSO being stopped and released with no citations, it is STILL being made out to be a racial thing.

Are there bad cops out there? Sure. I won't claim they don't exist nor would ANY rational person. However, the ones that complain the loudest about a 'divide' in the country seem to be the ones doing their damnedest to foster the ongoing existence of such a divide.
that is exactly my point. When the same incident happens to people black white purple and green it is not racial profiling only to blacks.

Yes absolutely racial profiling happens but every incident that involves someone in authority questioning in some manner a black person it is NOT always racial profiling.
"The only other response is to somehow to believe the entire black community has decided to make things up for political benefit. "

Who has said there is never racial profiling? Not me

Maybe an option is to somehow consider that not all reports of racial profiling are racial profiling. Maybe sometimes the 'profiling' is also applied to white browns purples etc.
"The only other response is to somehow to believe the entire black community has decided to make things up for political benefit. "

Who has said there is never racial profiling? Not me

Maybe an option is to somehow consider that not all reports of racial profiling are racial profiling. Maybe sometimes the 'profiling' is also applied to white browns purples etc.

I didn't mean to broad-brush it. I was responding in general to what I see sometimes in the white community; the denial that profiling is rampant enough to inflame the black community.
I guess there is this evidence that sometimes what is felt as "racial profiling" is just getting what's coming to you when you stick in your headphones and walk in the middle of the street (with nice sidewalks on both sides of the street.)

I absolutely detest it when people walk in the middle of the road with their back to traffic, especially when there are plenty of sidewalks. It strikes me as the height of self-centeredness and disregard for anything going on around them.

Side rant - bicyclists are the worst. In one instance, I was looking to turn right onto a two-way street. So naturally, I'm looking left to watch for oncoming traffic. When the way was clear I started to pull onto the street only to have to slam on the brakes because a guy on a bike WITH HIS TODDLER DAUGHTER ON THE BACK came cruising down the road the wrong way right in front of me.
Many Austin bicylists, especially, are something else. What irritated me the most about bicylists in Austin is they wanted to be treated like cars when it benefited them, but also wanted to ignore all traffic laws when it benefitted them putting themselves and cars at risk for an accident. If bicylists want to be treated like cars they need to follow the same rules.
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Mang Austin bicylists, especially, are something else. What irritated me the most about bicylists in Austin is they wanted to be treated like cars when it benefited them, but also wanted to ignored all traffic laws when it benefitted them putting themselves and cars at risk for an accident. If bicylists want to be treated like cars they need to follow the same rules.

Don't get me started. They are as arrogant as it gets.
Hey, they are saving the world!

That's the problem with idealists/zealots. I have a friend who is consumed with riding to and from work everyday. It even causes him problems at home because sometimes his wife will ask him to pick something up or whatever and you know, he rode so he can't do it. I've discussed the way the bikers are and you can't talk to him about it. He starts in on how people are with their cars and I try to tell him that I'm not taking up for cars but the fact is the vast majority of people are driving by the law and it works. Conversely the vast majority of bike riders do not drive by the law and it is not working but he usually just gives me this "knowing" smile as if he's more enlightened than me.

You probably know about the expensive bike lane built from SW Parkway heading north along side Mopac. NOBODY uses it. I mean ok, maybe five people but that's nobody in my view. There was an article last summer in the Statesman about the sparse use of it and the comment section was typical; the Liberals were arrogantly saying it was too hot for people to use and they said it as if they were revealing science to all of us dolts. Well, guess what; the weather is beautiful and it's still empty. And though it is hot in the summer it is not a counter-point to the waste of money. HECK YEAH it's hot and that is precisely why it's a joke to have built it in the first place but they act like that is a reason to shut us "idiots" all up about it.
Cyclists in Austin are like pedestrians in Italy or Spain, who randomly walk into the street and expect every driver to slam on their brakes. They basically rely on the assumption that you want to avoid killing them more than they want to avoid dying.
If it was up to me, bicyclists would not be allowed on any road with a posted speed limit of 45mph or greater. They are a hazard to themselves and other motorists in that situation. Speed doesn't kill - differentials in speed do!

Of course, this will never happen for all the reasons mentioned. If you hit a cyclist in Austin, you are presumed guilty no matter what they did.

Once Jeff Ward asked on his radio show, "What if I go out riding my bike in just a plain t-shirt and shorts - will the others in their Lance Armstrong garb pull me over and beat me up?"
I love cycling, but I don't ride on busy streets ... I cross them at the lights. I prefer bike trails, but neighborhood streets are good except the worries about distracted drivers who don't slow down or stay in their lanes.
Cyclists in Austin are like pedestrians in Italy or Spain, who randomly walk into the street and expect every driver to slam on theirbrakes.

One Texas city I lived in (which will remain nameless to protect the guilty) had this problem with pedestrians, and to this day I cannot understand it. The only good thing was the police did not press charges 95% of the time when a pedestrain was killed (and one seemed to be killed every two weeks)as 95% of the time it was completely the pedestrians fault. People crossing four busy lanes in front of cars going 50 mph instead of walking 100 ft to the intersection and waiting for the traffic crossing was the strangest thing to see regularly.

Also, @bystander’s post pretty much sums up the problem in Austin.
The BLM website states as one of BLM's goals:

"We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for one another and especially "our" children to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable." (emphasis added)

So much for mentioning daddy specifically.

Per the 2012 Census:

Black Man Head of Household (no spouse): Average Income: $33,860 (9.7% of black population)
Black Woman Head of Household (no spouse): Average Income: $25,594 (43.9% of black population)
Black Married Couples: Average Income: $65,914 (46.3% of black population)

Another goal:

"...As we forge our path we intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting" (emphasis added)
Every stupid statement Hillary makes, every blatant lie that comes out of her mouth, every hyperbolic piece of propaganda our baldly partisan and intellectually fraudulent media puts out, every embrace of the BLM movement or reinforcement of their ********* narrative that Hillary participates in is a camel on the back of me abandoning the Never Trump position, and the load is getting heavy. I don't want to have to crawl back to @mchammer and tell him I changed my mind.

Bump - no point but I thought it was interesting where we were 4 years ago.
The only other response is to somehow to believe the entire black community has decided to make things up for political benefit.

My friend from Canada does have a slightly different perspective (as another friend of mine from Liberia) having not grown up with the American experience so they may not have the emotional impact as one who was born and bred here. He told me he felt a little different when he was at Florida A&M because of this. There was more aggression about civil rights than he felt on the inside. It was just an observation. And by aggression, I don't mean to paint it in a negative light; it only meant it was an active force in the lives of his peers at school.
I don't think they entirely made it up, but i do believe the "driving while black" stories are like fishing stories. I think a bunch of people get around a table and swap stories and by the time the story has been passed around six times it has gone from "my friend got pulled over and he was only going 8 MPH over the limit and the cop was a little rude" to "My friend got pulled over FOR NO REASON at all. It's because he was BLACK. He wasn't doing nothing wrong. And the cop started shoving him and treated him like an animal.". If there are so many examples of "driving while black" being the only reason people are pulled over, why don't we see a parade of videos where black people were truly obeying the cops directives and yet the cop still pulls them out and beats them and shoots them. That's never what we see. What we see is that the black person was being belligerent and antagonistic and disobeying LEO commands and when the LEO continues to do their job, it escalates into a physical confrontation and the other stuff. In other words they were doing the opposite of "The Talk" and acting like a threat, so they were treated like a threat.
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