Black Lives Matter; The Cerebral Warlords of Our Time

I saw that. I don't think they expected to actually see the crime victim show up and confront them. Good for her. That took real courage, and we need to see more of that. Many of those dumbasses didn't know what to do, but of course, some of them couldn't help but act like ********.
And the people yelling "Liar, No bullets in you, You're alive , Shut up"
Are mostly white men.
What justification could these men have to protest a police shooting of a man who fired into that woman's apt with 2 kids inside? The standoff lasted 6 hours , police even brought his parents to talk to him.
Wouldn't most people be concerned at the horror the mother and 2 kids went through?
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Are mostly white men.

I noticed that too. Most of those protestors appeared to be virtue signaling white people, which shouldn't shock anyone. Blacks aren't anywhere near as weak on violent crime as white liberals who don't have anything to fear are.
I saw that. I don't think they expected to actually see the crime victim show up and confront them. Good for her. That took real courage, and we need to see more of that. Many of those dumbasses didn't know what to do, but of course, some of them couldn't help but act like ********.

The problem with Liberals (amongst many things) is they take things too far. They obsess so much that they alienate the very people they wish to impact or gain as allies. This scene is typical of them. And to see that white guy calmly say, "She's having a moment" as if he knows better was really amazing. He thought he was grasping that she was just wrong and being emo. He was completely unmoved by her outburst. That is why I say they are sick. There is no middle-ground. No reasonableness. They have decided blacks can do no wrong and all cops are murderers of black men; in cold blood. They have decided that is the hill to die on. The entire country should see that video in prime-time so the world can understand the underlying mental illness that is driving their view of reality. Do they have a a case? HELL YEAH I SAY. In many instances. But not every instance and to be so arrogant to a VICTIM of someone SHOOTING A GUN INTO THEIR HOME is unbelievable. A gun! Shooting a gun into their home. And yet, all their gun control rhetoric is completely suspended because it makes them uncomfortable to confront the complexities of life. They've made it simple. It's not and that's the supreme irony of this situation. Liberals are fond of saying Conservatives are black and white and incapable of nuance, the gray area. But in so many cases, they suspend nuance and go black and white with gusto.

They must be outed to the American people because it is vital that the American people understand the power of the cancel culture and the arrogance as wielded by the AOC's in the world.
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The problem with BLM isn't that they take it too far. The problem is that the very root of their ideology is false and destructive. They believe a disembodied force called "whiteness" is responsible for everything in society they don't like. "Whiteness" isn't even contingent on there being white people if you read their scholars. Even when all racist laws are abolished. They still believe there is a problem. The only solution is to steal from whites and give to POC. They are trying to get the Federal government to do their bidding too. Everything about them is extremely wrong.

Liberalism is wrong, not because it goes too far, which it does, but because it is secular. Classical liberalism in the context of Christian theology, culture, and morality was okay because there were constraints within the ideology. But as soon as liberalism was secular any restraints were removed. Secular liberalism is a cancer itself. Not in degree but in essence. Unbridled individuality is what produces drag queen story hour and sexualization of children. You either put Christianity back into liberalism or you get societal destruction.
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Reading that thread and the ones below it should scare the bejesus out if any conservative
Or heck Anyone with a quarter of a brain.
The speed at which this is un ravelling is frightening
Reading that thread and the ones below it should scare the bejesus out if any conservative
Or heck Anyone with a quarter of a brain.
The speed at which this is un ravelling is frightening

Large parts of the political class and media have no regard for the truth at all.
Large parts of the political class and media have no regard for the truth at all.

When you see how that BLM group reacted to that woman then you know why. They have made up their minds about certain "truths" and "by any means necessary" is the way they will get things done. They have deemed all opposition to be deplorables, coconuts, Uncle Toms etc. Those in the opposing camp are irrelevant and the absolute enemy and in their minds, this is war. They want total victory and there will be a "Nuremberg Trial" afterwards to chemo out the remaining vestiges of those they have labeled as Nazis and White Supremacists. There will be no quarter, at least not politically. This is to be a one party system with no opposition.

I believe that is their aim.
The difficulty in bringing us all together is illustrated in this article:

Mural of Griner, other American detainees gives ‘voice to the voiceless,’ artist says

Once again, a criminal has been martyred. I think marijuana should be legal but these activists recognize no laws, even in other countries. They only blame others who dare to assert a consequence when the action was clearly prohibited.

Dr. King defined an unjust law (in part) as a law asserted unequally. I'm thinking Russia's law is not unjust in that regard meaning she wasn't targeted.

But I could be wrong.
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There was also hash oil in her vape kit. I haven't ever smoked pot, or used hash, but I do know hash is a bigger deal than pot.
She's lucky she wasn't in another country where they jail you for a couple of decades and make you do hard labor.
It's ridiculous to make her out to be a martyr, and to have discussions about making deals to release her.

People were killed, savagely, in other countries who were either journalists, or people doing humanitarian work and we drew a hard line about not making deals or trades, or paying ransom.
No way should we break that rule for someone who broke a law.

And Megan Rapinoe, you purple haired attention seeking vile piece of trash, please keep your damn pie hole shut. No one needs to hear you grandstanding about "BG" at an awards ceremony about how, "obviously, she's a political prisoner".
It's always been about getting attention for you, and you shouldn't be water girl for the US Women's National Soccer Team. You suck.
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She was naively stupid or maybe "entitled "
But she did plead guilty.
Our Gov't should ask for leniency in a low key way
And then back off
Explain what Times vs Sullivan is
And why/ how likely it is to be overturned

Is it up before SCOTUS now?

Grabbed from Wikipedia:

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the freedom of speech protections in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution restrict the ability of American public officials to sue for defamation. The decision held that if a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit is a public official or person running for public office, not only must they prove the normal elements of defamation—publication of a false defamatory statement to a third party—they must also prove that the statement was made with "actual malice", meaning that the defendant either knew the statement was false or recklessly disregarded whether it might be false.
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Thanks Deez
I get it now
Has someone brought a case to SC?
Or are you hoping someone will?
This would drive Demx nuts. By far current media is Demx.
Thanks Deez
I get it now
Has someone brought a case to SC?
Or are you hoping someone will?
This would drive Demx nuts. By far current media is Demx.

I'm not aware of any pending case that would deal with it, but I would definitely invite it. Nothing would do more to rein in our garbage media.
The ESG movement led by Black Rock is the cause of all this. These corporations fall in line very quickly when Larry Fink tells them to do something. If not, he cuts off their access to capital.

That would be better overall because then they wouldn't favor Fed money printing so much...

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