Black Lives Matter; The Cerebral Warlords of Our Time

they're trying to do the "most aggrieved status" math in their heads.

protestor 1:"uhmmm, he's black, we can't say he has 'white privilege'.... "
protestor 2: "can we say he just 'doesn't understand' ?
Protestor 1: "somebody call the DEI hotline...check the DEI/ESG chart....what get's more points? black man or women's 'health'? There has to be a flow chart for this sort of thing"
Wow, the San Antonio Express has changed Scott Adams' Dilbert cartoon, and have made the black guy a white guy like all the others.

I have always know the paper leaned hard left, but this is plain wrong.
If they want to censor Adams, don't print the strip while it is on this topic.
It seems highly unethical to change an artist's work to fit a narrative.
The SA Express, Houston Chronicle, and Dallas Morning News are all turning into the New York Times and Washington Post. Ultimately, the journalism practice has become fully politicized and corrupted.
Wow, the San Antonio Express has changed Scott Adams' Dilbert cartoon, and have made the black guy a white guy like all the others.

If a right-leaning paper did this "There they go, erasing minorities again."
White liberals trying to buy their salvation are easy to exploit for money. Ask Ibram X. Kendi and Robin D'Angelo.

It's just baffling to me that BLM has any credibility after Defund the Police and the overt Marxism and racism. It's like the Ku Klux Klan (racism) got with Trotsky (communism) and Robert Tilton (financial fraud) and had a baby.
Not hypocritical. Marxism doesn’t require poverty. Marx promised that if we adopted his system, planned economies would make us all rich. The Marxist leaders are just a little ahead of the curve.

(The idea that Marxism meant all the people would be poor together is a relatively recent concept, arrived at after a few decades of trying Communism).
Obviously, this BLM fraud is a liar, but can we please stop going to people's homes? It's so self-righteous and stupid. Whatever point you're trying to make is ruined by the fact that you acted like a total jackass.
You mean to protest, or just in general?

People definitely shouldn't go to protest, but it's tacky to confront anyone you don't know at his home. If someone I didn't know just showed up to my house to give me crap about something, I'd tell him to eff off and slam the door in his face.

The thing is, she didn't act like a jackass, but the BLM turd lied about it anyway.

She didn't and the BLM lady is obviously a lying sack of ****. However, I think Owens is out of line to even show up. She's not a criminal for it like the SCOTUS protestors are, but she's still out of line.
Black man drives over white folks at a parade…crickets.

Other true headlines could be "Black fans were entertained by White athletes a day after a racist killed Black people in Buffalo" or "Black and White fans were entertained by Black athletes a day after a racist shot White people in Buffalo".

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