Binders full of Women

How odd that yor are on the opposite side of the NY Times on this (Apr 2015)

"82 percent of Americans don’t consider themselves feminists, poll shows"
" ....... In a culture where feminism seems to be gaining momentum, a new poll appears to contradict that notion, showing that only 18 percent of Americans consider themselves feminists. .....""

82% of women and men. Did I include Men in that number?

Per this poll in January 60% of women think of themselves as "feminist" although the meaning of the word is changing.

Still trying to find the source I read it in but clearly I may be a little high.
82% of women and men. Did I include Men in that number?...

I saw it but that was most recent poll I could find on the topic
Plus, if only 18% of all Americans consider themselves Fs, then it is mathematically impossible to get to 80% of American females.

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