Bill Clinton's role in HC Campaign

Don't kid yourself that the media won't go look at all legal paperwork bearing a candidates name. I'm sure that is standard operating procedure.
Congrats you are the first to post a denial that obama/ campaign had anything to do with forcing the sealed records open.
This whole Bill Clinton thing is whats wrong with politics. Dems love Bill because he could destroy Reps. He was always shady but it wasnt a big deal because he won elections and somehow came out clean.

Now that hes attacking somebody they like, its a whole new story. Its fine to use misleading attacks when its against a R but not another D. The R's are guilty of the same in other instances too.
jack ryan was married to actress jeri ryan ( Boston legal and now shark) before a nasty divorce resulting in court sealed records.
Coincidentally the Tribune got a judge to unseal the records during the run up to election ( amazingly the Trib didn't think of doing it during the primaries)
the unsealed records revealed jeri accused jack of taking her to a sex club, against her wishes.
after this info came out, even tho jeri tried to down play it and publically support jack as much as she could the uproar kept alive by constant trib coverage forced ryan to resign 2 weeks before the election.

is Bill using dirty tactics? probably but people need to look at the entire picture and not annoint one a saint and one satan
Horn6721, where does Obama come into this? if you want to blame the media for trying manipulate politics towards their agenda I doubt you'll find too many detractors. However what you posted doesn't even claim that Obama had anything to do with the disclosure of the divorce records.
The Trib and a local TV station worked to get the court records unsealed.
it is possible obama and or Dema had nothing to do with it and were simply luck beneficiaries.
How utterly silly to post that Alan Keyes was a beneficiary of the smear.
Alan Keyes took the role as candidate with less than 2 weeks left before election.
Do you not really believe the media is going to look at all candidates court filings and records? Don't kid yourself that all public records aren't examined. I bet they went into overdrive the second they found out his divorce proceeding had been sealed. It's just the way this stuff works.
Back to the topic of Bill Clinton's role, it seems Teddy Kennedy is pissed about Bill's role. A steady drumbeat by Teddy about "the politics of personal destruction" could be a nightmare for Billary.

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