Bill Byrne obsessing AGAIN: 'That (UT) crap sells'

Uh, FondrenRoad, the Horns were the 1995 SWC Champs.

16-6, remember? In Kyle Field. At night. In Kyle Field...nah, "in the Shoe" works better.
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"“That crap sells,” he said, shaking his head."

$Bill has been AD for 5 years now and he thinks this continued outspoken disdain, disrespect and hatred for anything UT will greatly endear him to aggy and raise or keep his stock high with the administration & the big money donors. Trouble is, it probably does. Byrne is a classless hack, this is just his style. Slash & burn, hate UT jihad works with aggy. Dodds would never, ever operate at this level.

I grudingly submit $Bill has gotten results by improving the sports facilities at this cow college and raising money for athletics despite some of the negatives we all know about the institution. But, they are straining greatly to do it based on what we have read in the past. Clearly the womens programs have shown the most improvement on the field / court and some of the men's programs are improved, most noteably basketball.

On the other side of the coin, I think Byrne is very unwise to frequently and publically express aggy penis envy, look-at-me comments and hatred for UT to any and all who will listen. He wrongly thinks he can build aggy self-esteem more with negative about your opponent than positive about yourself. It takes away from what he has accomplished and takes away from building what he and aggy cherish most - respect, genuine respect outside B/CS for Texas agricultrual & mechanical.

Think about it - the constant drum-beat obsession starting from fish camp, then undergrad days, then being a former student as an "adult" while your Admin & AD constantly express disrespect & hatred for UT. Meanwhile that University you so deeply loathe has for years greatly outperformed yours in academcis & sports. If you are an aggy that is honest with yourself, somewhere along the way, you privately say to yourself we're really not as good as those guys.

I suspect deep down most of them know they are not equal and probably never will be... but that doesn't keep some of them, including $Bill, from dreaming.
Just for perspective, I live in the Cayman Islands and rare is the day that I dont see soemone come off one of the cruise ships wearing Texas gear. There is a big Texas Exes contigent here just as there is all over the U.S and the globe. Go into any sports wear store anywhere and you will find Texas gear.
In 1939, the year of the only NC worth mentioning in regards to A&M, there was another zealot paranoid with hatred who was backed by brown-shirted, jack-booted, towel-waving, sabre carrying, $hit-slinging, skin-headed, legions who projected great things for his Reich.

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