Biggest lie by a POTUS in history

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Great quotes! I know you coukd post hundreds, including intel from the British Intelligence among others. Roger 35 is not the least interested in the truth, however. He likes to spin his s##t. He apparently thinks he looks smart.
LOL, texas ex- he's too dense to understand that! Never had someone been so clueless about their mental capabilities. It's really kid of sad.
Obama was a Pied Piper from the start; go back and read his speeches from the 2008 campaign and tell me what they mean. They could mean anything to whoever heard them and wanted to believe.

When Pelosicare was being worked out I pointed out to friends that the cutoffs for employer responsibility meant that companies near the line meant they would quit hiring full time emploiyees. My friends said that adjustments would be made. I told them that adjustments would be made by the employers. They had no answer.

I also pointed out that insurers did not have to and would not and could not guarantee their insureds would get the same coverage year to year-----policy changes were already made year to year and now they would have to compete with a huge new insurer or set of insurers.

Obama did not lie but he did tell a half truth, which is the same thing. The truth was that you could keep your plan if it was still offered and he knew or should have known it would not be offered. Of course, there is the off chance that he had not thought of that-----he never met a payroll or ran a company himself.

This is a guy who six years ago was voting "present" in the Illinois senate and taking his kids to Jeremiah Wright's church. What do you expect?
Actually Mr Fiesta Bo did NO|T say he was sorry for lying to people.
When Todd quoted BO saying if you like your heakthcare plan you can keep it BO replied, " First of all I meant what I said.
Then he went on to say it was a ' small amount of the population that is affected"
and then he said they had ' subpar plans" so the new plans that cost more are getting better coverage. Even that is a LIE

Anyone who thinks or continues to pretend BO apologized for lying is only fooling themselves.
It's amazing that Obama just can't tell the truth about anything. I've never seen a person in history that just flat out lies about everything. Has he ever said anything truthful???.

Good thing Obama didn't chop down his father's Cherry tree or he would have told his father he seen George Bush chopping it down.

It's just amazing with all the failures of this administration and he continues to claim he didn't know it happened until it's reported on the news. He has ZERO leadership anyway so it wouldn't be surprising if he's the last to know. But for him to say he seen the reports on TV shows he watched it on Fox since they are the only one to report the truth. BUT this would prove just another lie because he's claimed he doesn't watch fox news.

I have respected every man who has held the office of the presidency (even Jimmy Carter) but I just can't respect this lying ALL the time piece of sh^t!
Bevo, GWB used the best intelligence that the US and its Allies had at the time. Every prominent legislator found the intelligence to be compelling. No WMD's were found, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that they had been moved or well-hidden. So to call it a "lie" then you have to call Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry et all liars, too.

BO has lied personally, but so has the MSM and most Dems. If they plead that they didn't know they should be fired. A whole bunch of other people were able to predict what a disaster the ACA would be and the danger of the unintended consequences. I don't think they were unintended by those who supported it. Harry Reid plainly stated that Obamacare was the first step to single payer.
Does anybody besides me remember the NOrth Vietnamese navy attack on the two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin? Thousands of Americans died in the war that those "attacks" justified and a million or more Viet Namese.

Some people hate Obama so much they lose all sense of proportion.

ANd while I am a big fan of James Polk, his claim that American blood was spilled on American soil at Resaca de la Palma and Palo Alto was a half truth whopper that led to war. Fortunately that war turned out advantageously for us but it puts Obama's half lies to shame in the greatest lies department.

He is getting what he deserves but sometimes rhetorical hyperbole demands too much.

He's not the greatest anything, even liar
I notice you used biggest liar not greatest.
and I agree
there is nothing half about the live BO kept repeating PERIOD

so much more is coming out 'biggest ' may not be big enough a word.

Bo lying is no surprise but what is a surprise is how many in admin and advisers went along with his lies
lying about health care coverages is bigger than lying into a war. Ok, I'll just mark that up to blind hatred and move on.
Funny how viewing a known fact as a big or even biggest lie can be called hatred

and even funnier that battles/ skirmishes fought over 165 years ago where it is pretty well documented that Americans died become " half truths" in some vague attempt to do what I am still not sure.
I'd say taking over one sixth of the economy, stripping people of their doctors and quality affordable medical insurance, wrecking the budget, putting millions more on public assistance, rationing healthcare, using "navigators to steer more low information people to dem polls, putting peoples confidential info at risk, etc...(need I go on?) is the biggest lie by a POTUS. It is a proven lie. The Maddox and Turner Joy incidents, Iraq WMD's cannot be proven to be lies.. Besides......the Vietnam war had already begun on a smaller scale and would have escalated no matter what. It's sad that so many people don't see what is being done by this adm right under their noses.
I remember the incident even though I was young ( I was in Vietnam later on in 1967 and 68 as an 18-19 year old Marine). I've seen many documentaries about the incident. I toured the "Turner Joy" a few years ago in Bremerton,Wa. It's a floating museum there.
So Huisache, tell me again about LYING into a war. The last Sec Of State and soon-to-be Democratic nominee for President was convinced that Iraq had WMDs. If she lied then she should not be allowed to run for office. Right? John Kerry also lied, and should not have been allowed to run in 2004. And since all intelligence from many countries believed - and told the governments of many countries - that Iraq had WMDs, which they had already used, then everyone in those agencies should have been fired, if not prosecuted.

If only they had asked you. You could have told them all that they were wrong - I mean lying.
austinbat: while others have claimed W and crew lied us into that war, I did not. I think he believed the bad intelligence.

I was referring to the Viet Nam war and the war with Mexico and said so explicitly.

For the poster who thinks the death of American soldiers in the two battles on the Rio Grande are proof _Polk was telling the truth, I would suggest a study of Texas history. Texas claimed the Rio Grande as a border by virtue of a treaty made with Santa Anna while he was under threat of death and which was never approved by the Mexican Congress. Texas' claim to the Nueces strip was bogus; we had no cities there, no public services, no troops and no postal service. Mexico had people living there and the only town on this side of the Rio Grande, that being Laredo. When the Somerville Expedition got to Laredo they looted the town. I don't think that would have happened if they thought it was ours.

The Nueces Strip was disputed and Polk used it as an excuse for war. I am glad he did; we got all the land to the Pacific in that, the most successful of all our wars.

But AMerican blood was not shed on American soil. That was the lie I was addressing.

Lying to get your country into war is worse than lying about insurance coverages to any sane person who is not wallowing in hatred.
Holy crap...I almost forgot during the fall out circus of this ridiculous lie, that Obama promised Obamacare wouldn't raise taxes.

And then in front of the SCOTUS, his lawyers didn't deny the whole stinking thing IS A TAX.


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