Big XII Championship: Predict Horns vs OUsux

Texas 5

OU 3

We win by a safety in OT

Ok, real prediction

I do think our D will show up. But as much as I hate to admit, pampas Murray, best QB in Texas history (uhhh no) will get his. He is pretty darn good. But so will Sam and LJH.

Horns 48

OU 42
Will lightning strike twice in Dallas in the same season?

Hope so, but I feel right now like:

Texas 29
OU 43

That could change if our D clobbers midget boy early and often and sticks tight on the receivers. Otherwise, "oye" gonna be a long day or evening.
Prove me wrong Horns!
OU 100
UT 99

We fail on a 2 pt conversion after 10 OT’s.

Since you have to go for 2 by that point in OT, the only way we could lose by 1 in this scenario is if OU got a 1-point safety on their conversion attempt.
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Depends on when ou is able to knock Sam out of the game (and out of the bowl game). Hopefully, after Texas has a 2 TD lead.

45-42 Texas

Dicker the Kicker makes Murray cry again.
Could you imagine not one but two game-winning kicks over OU in one year by a freshman kicker named Dicker? That would be talked about for decades.

Right?!?!? Maybe we could finally move past Peter the Great or as I called him Incomplete Pete. Its time for some new Longhorn lore against OU and what better than Dicker the Kicker.
Could you imagine not one but two game-winning kicks over OU in one year by a freshman kicker named Dicker? That would be talked about for decades.
If this were to occur, I will GLADLY contribute to any fund required to pay the fine for Public Intoxication (since anyone getting as many drinks as Cameron would be given after such an event is BOUND to be more than a bit tipsy LOL!).
Thread is ALSO not complete without THE obligatory pic...anyone know where the kid is nowadays?
As much as I love our Horn's, that first game was a fluke in my opinion. It would be the one game if we played ten times that we would win. I really think in that game we caught some breaks by OU making mistakes, which is part of the game, and I don't think they will repeat those same mistakes.

Their offense is a match-up nightmare for any defense. Even though the defense is more porous than my *** after eating Chinese food, the offense probably has only had one maybe two games where they weren't clicking and they lost one of those games.

I understand that some of the mistakes they made can be contributed to the play of our defense. I just feel that the only thing they will make adjustments to is securing the ball.

My prediction, thinking with my head and what I have seen, is OU opening a can of whoop *** on us.

Goobers - 53
Stormtroopers - 38
My prediction, thinking with my head and what I have seen, is OU opening a can of whoop *** on us.
We might have a little something extra in store too though. If our defense is respectable for four full quarters I think our offense can score points and LJH, Collin and Duvernay are matchups the OU defense is not built for. O-line for us will be critical as always.
I predict the pressure will be too much for Zero U. They know their defense can't stop anyone, so the pressure is on the offense to run up points. They will be pressured into four turnovers, and the Horns will get 24 points from the turnovers. One turnover for the Horns will lead to 7 for the Gooners. Final total:

Texas 52
Zero U 31

You heard it here first!:ousucksnana: