I take a middle of the road position on all this. This year I thought we would finally get out from under Baylor's thumb. But Mulkey quietly built up another great team, and next year her recruiting class is ranked ahead of our's, though hopefully Higgs and Hosey will be brilliant from the start. We shall see. Aston has definitely improved the team and our recruiting, to the point that there is hope again. She deserves credit for that. And there's no doubt that some of our disappointing losses were due to personnel. And it wasn't just because we lost Nneka. We had started losing before she hurt her knee. We don't have great shooters, and Texas lacks the shake n bake star scorer that you need to reach the top. I had hoped Atkins, and to a lesser extent McCarty, would provide some of that, but frankly they didn't--though they will doubtless be high level players. I don't know how much of that is due to the limits of those two players and how much is due to the system Aston runs. Would it have helped to run an offense that gave Atkins 15 shots a game and opened it up some for McCarty? It would be nice to know. In fairness, when your guards can't shoot well and you have two good centers 6'5" and 6'7", it makes sense to play an inside out offense. Imani and Kelsey have to be given a lot of touches. But I am beginning to think our offensive pattern limits us, even with our existing personnel. I mean, this team is stuck at 60 points a game. We need to try something else. Other teams make use of great centers, but also create opportunities for medium range jump shots from their guards. I don't pretend to know the exact answer. Maybe its just our personnel; but it looks like a more flexible half court offense might be worth an experiment. And by the way, I don't think its negative to raise these issues. It's fun. We're a fan blog. We're supposed to discuss the pros and cons of the team and coach, as long as we do it in fair, friendly manner.